i am going to have a rotating sg favorites list the others to be included... redviolet because she is so nice, loe when she goes up because i love her, lennon because her voice is amazing, and aiki because i have a thing for accents
okay so the lennon show rocked... i got a hug from lennon... ran into a girl i have wanted to have sex with for 2 years... kissed her
... hung out with my hot ass boyfriend... and met alot of really cool people... rabbiofrock is the funniest guy ever, cutmeup is so fucking sweet and has just as much energy as me, annee is ever so nice and cute, and it is always nice to hang with punknitemike, vectrexxx, fortysix_and_two, and some of my past regulars from when i worked @ celebrity... i love gay men... and women for that matter...
after the show we headed back to my place where my favorite friend nicolelee my roomie ghosty and some of the people from the lennon show talked and ate icecream and tatertots until 6:00 AM... i woke up @ 10 WTF is that all about and started another fun filled day with my SG friends... COSI is the shit... not many people came and that was too bad because it is so much fun there... we rode the gravatron and i wanted to hurl... we played in submarines... picked up cars... shocked each other... made music... played with hulahoops... which by the way i rock @... made news broadcasts... and i got real wet
... you sick fuck with water... we went to the mall where i used my discount to buy shit for other people and not myself since i have no money due to recent bullshit... and then just chilled in await of the evening festivities... i was joined by a shit load of great people @ outland and had more fun there then i think i have ever had... the croud you are with always makes the difference... lets see who all was there... of course me and my hot sexy boyfriend, punknitemike, vectrexxx, ghosty, loe, seven_c4, cutmeup, fortysix_and_two, alisa who i was so happy to finally see again, peachygrrl and her man who were great to hang with, niceguydamon who really is a nice guy, redviolet who i have been dying to meet, urnes, kevykev and some of the people i work with at hot topic who i love... sad that nicolelee had to work late and couldn't join us
but there will be plenty of fun times punknitemike and cutmeup stayed another night at my house and just left a few hours ago but only after mikey and i watched some saved by the bell... hell ya join the group if you haven't already... too bad that morning_dove broke his damn hand falling off a ladder and couldn't come out this weekend but just like nicole we will be sure to see each other another time... i had alot of fun this weekend and hope to see everyone again real soon kisses to you all

okay so the lennon show rocked... i got a hug from lennon... ran into a girl i have wanted to have sex with for 2 years... kissed her

are you fo serious!!! my very own kellyjanice would be the awesomest! i would totally pay.
well, its nice to find someone cool that grew up here