i take all the kids to the preschool olympics today... while i am there i found out that my job decided to let me go now since i turned in my resignation letter for the 16th of august... how did i find this out you ask... well the lady that is replacing me at the preschool came up to me and introduced herself as the new teacher @ my center... she said she was going to be replacing the summer sub... well that is me obviously so i asked her when she was starting... she said monday... so when i get back to the center i ask my boss if this new woman coming in meant i was no longer going to be working there... do you know what she said... "oh i wasn't going to tell you until the end of the day but we don't need you anymore after today..." how the fuck are you going to require notice then let me go as soon as i turn in my notice... bastards... so i got a little huffy and filled out my time sheet for this week dropped it on my bosses desk instead of handing it to her and slammed the sign in sheet in it's little holder... as i started to walk out my boss was screaming stuff to me in the hallway... with the kids right there mind you... like you need to act like an adult and not walk out... and you have to finish out the day... and iyou are acting like one of the children by walking out... you fired my ass with no warning and you want me to finish out the day... GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE ASS... i can't start my new job until the school opens august 16 so until then i am taking donations
just in case you haven't seen them yet
details details details...
who's going to what let me know... i need who to look for @ cosi especially...
friday the 23rd and saturday the 24th chain of events...
okay so here's the deal the next official event is going to be a friday night, friday over-night, saturday, and saturday night series of events... fun times to be had by all at your own convenience...
the fun will start with the lennon show in dayton followed by a sleep over in columbus with saved by the bell dvd's and anything else you want to contribute...i've got the icecream... this will be at my house for anyone wanting to crash in await of the saturday event...
on saturday we will meet for a fun filled day of science @ cosi @ 2:00... i say we do this by the swinging pendulum (sp??) inside the building you can't miss it, it is huge and you don't need to pay before you can get to it... we will wait until 2:15 so if you are late tough shit you need to walk around and find our asses... or if you want to meet earlier @ my house to carpool let me know and i will tell you my address...
saturday night we are going to outland a fun goth fetish bar... not really big but has a good outdoor area where we can chill and hang out... directions and address to outland... we should meet around 11:30 or so that's when it starts to pick up... can't wait to see everyone there...

just in case you haven't seen them yet
details details details...
who's going to what let me know... i need who to look for @ cosi especially...
friday the 23rd and saturday the 24th chain of events...
okay so here's the deal the next official event is going to be a friday night, friday over-night, saturday, and saturday night series of events... fun times to be had by all at your own convenience...
the fun will start with the lennon show in dayton followed by a sleep over in columbus with saved by the bell dvd's and anything else you want to contribute...i've got the icecream... this will be at my house for anyone wanting to crash in await of the saturday event...
on saturday we will meet for a fun filled day of science @ cosi @ 2:00... i say we do this by the swinging pendulum (sp??) inside the building you can't miss it, it is huge and you don't need to pay before you can get to it... we will wait until 2:15 so if you are late tough shit you need to walk around and find our asses... or if you want to meet earlier @ my house to carpool let me know and i will tell you my address...
saturday night we are going to outland a fun goth fetish bar... not really big but has a good outdoor area where we can chill and hang out... directions and address to outland... we should meet around 11:30 or so that's when it starts to pick up... can't wait to see everyone there...
in other news, you're from Ohio and you love awesome music! let's be friends.