SG Columbus in da house... go join...
damnit why can't i put pics in my journal... i follow the directions and all i see are stupid little ?? and when i control click on the ?? and say open in a new window the right pics pop up so i know the link is there... what the fuck am i doing wrong... help me mac users...
anyways... micah and i went and saw eternal sunshine last night @ the 1.50 theater... it was the most intense amazing movie i have ever saw in my entire life... i mean i cried so hard and it was just crazy... it is a must see for anyone who has been in or is in a long term relationship... it was micah and i to a t and it made me realize i never wanted to bicker over something stupid again... we came home and just giggled and had fun in a way that we have not done in a really long time... we just played around and i know it was because this movie makes you realize something wonderful... that you really doo love the person you are with...
anyway... go see that movie if you haven't already...
punknitemike and i are planning another columbus get together soon hopefully for the weekend of lennon's show so keep an eye out for the details... i think a slumber party and cosi trip are in the making...
details details details
friday the 23rd and saturday the 24th chain of events...
okay so here's the deal the next official event is going to be a friday night, friday over-night, saturday, and saturday night series of events... fun times to be had by all at your own convenience...
the fun will start with the lennon show in dayton followed by a sleep over in columbus with saved by the bell dvd's and anything else you want to contribute...who wants to bring me icecream... this will be at my house for anyone wanting to crash in await of the saturday event...
on saturday we will meet for a fun filled day of science @ cosi @ 2:00... i say we do this by the swinging pendulum (sp??) inside the building you can't miss it, it is huge and you don't need to pay before you can get to it... we will wait until 2:15 so if you are late tough shit you need to walk around and find our asses... or if you want to meet earlier @ my house to carpool let me know and i will tell you my address...
saturday night is yet to be determined... i want to go to a club but don't know what club to go to... so everyone throw out suggestions and we will decide @ a later time where and when our drinking members will be partaking from alcholic beverages...
i can't wait to see everyone again and spread the word about the group and i will too when i have more time...
i love my boy so very much and i am glad that i have rediscovered the fun we have again...
damnit why can't i put pics in my journal... i follow the directions and all i see are stupid little ?? and when i control click on the ?? and say open in a new window the right pics pop up so i know the link is there... what the fuck am i doing wrong... help me mac users...
anyways... micah and i went and saw eternal sunshine last night @ the 1.50 theater... it was the most intense amazing movie i have ever saw in my entire life... i mean i cried so hard and it was just crazy... it is a must see for anyone who has been in or is in a long term relationship... it was micah and i to a t and it made me realize i never wanted to bicker over something stupid again... we came home and just giggled and had fun in a way that we have not done in a really long time... we just played around and i know it was because this movie makes you realize something wonderful... that you really doo love the person you are with...
anyway... go see that movie if you haven't already...
punknitemike and i are planning another columbus get together soon hopefully for the weekend of lennon's show so keep an eye out for the details... i think a slumber party and cosi trip are in the making...
details details details
friday the 23rd and saturday the 24th chain of events...
okay so here's the deal the next official event is going to be a friday night, friday over-night, saturday, and saturday night series of events... fun times to be had by all at your own convenience...
the fun will start with the lennon show in dayton followed by a sleep over in columbus with saved by the bell dvd's and anything else you want to contribute...who wants to bring me icecream... this will be at my house for anyone wanting to crash in await of the saturday event...
on saturday we will meet for a fun filled day of science @ cosi @ 2:00... i say we do this by the swinging pendulum (sp??) inside the building you can't miss it, it is huge and you don't need to pay before you can get to it... we will wait until 2:15 so if you are late tough shit you need to walk around and find our asses... or if you want to meet earlier @ my house to carpool let me know and i will tell you my address...
saturday night is yet to be determined... i want to go to a club but don't know what club to go to... so everyone throw out suggestions and we will decide @ a later time where and when our drinking members will be partaking from alcholic beverages...
i can't wait to see everyone again and spread the word about the group and i will too when i have more time...

i love my boy so very much and i am glad that i have rediscovered the fun we have again...

Think that I can wrangle a ride to the Lennon show from you?
I cant make it at all.