went to the zoo with punknitemike yesterday and saw lots of really cool animals... i also saw some fucking idiot parked his car in the middle of the road to block everyone from getting where they needed to go... what the hell was this guy thinking... it was the funniest thing i have seen in a long time i just laughed my ass off... people who think the world revolves around them crack me up... anyways i love animals don't you... we were in a fenced in area with the kangaroos right there with no barriers... did you know those fuckers can jump 26 feet in one bound... and i pet a star fish and snake... i saw the stoopid jellyfish that stung me when i was 5 and i had to be in a stroller the whole time at disney world... we saw 2 sets of turtles that looked like they were fucking doggy style but i swore that turtles did not fuck please correct me if i am wrong... ***i have been told that turtles do fuck and one person(you know who you are) told me she fucked a teenage muntant ninja turtle... so i guess i stand corrected*** i saw the zebras yeah my fav... we saw the cool ass monkeys and manatees... man those manatees are huge... oh and we saw the wierd ass animals that look like ultra skinny deer... they reminded me of the aliens from star wars attack of the clones that were creating the clone army... too long and lankey... and much more... i love the zoo... i also love to see comments in my journals it makes me feel cool... well of course i am cool as shit but it makes me feel loved...
****************i have been trying to upload a picture following the directions mike linked for me and i still can't get the images to show up... does anyoneknow why...***************
if anyone knows how to upload pictures to your journal on a mac please give me step by step directions... i am an idiot when it comes to that shit... ***anyway thanks for the link mike i no longer need idiot directions... i am going to try this later... i swore though that was what we tried to do at my house and it didn't work hmmmmm i am gonna check it later...****love you kisses to you all
: :
********update and official plans*********
I checked around and as far as i can see there are no 24 hour putt putt places in columbus...
but we are going to get together at a fabulous place (or at least it looks it from the highway) called magic mountian... their address is:
5890 Scarborough Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43232
to see all the kick ass things for us to do check here let me tell you how much i love laser tag
and everything there looks so very much fun... it is right off the polaris pkwy exit on i-71 if you don't know where it is use yahoo maps because there is no excuse for you not to come...
we will be meeting between 1:00 and 2:00 this saturday whichever more people are willing to do so let me know either today or tomorrow before 9:00 because then i am going to post on SG ohio... i would love to do a later time but i have to work 4:30 - close at hot topic @ the polaris mall (right around the corner and convenient to get to from magic mountain) so tough shit to all you night owls you need to get up before 3:00 to have a good time this round
so far i have:
loe so i assume seven_c4
adrunkmobstar (able to go in theory)
whatshisnuts (maybe)
my boy micah
c'mon who else can go maybe we can get some group discount
****************i have been trying to upload a picture following the directions mike linked for me and i still can't get the images to show up... does anyoneknow why...***************
if anyone knows how to upload pictures to your journal on a mac please give me step by step directions... i am an idiot when it comes to that shit... ***anyway thanks for the link mike i no longer need idiot directions... i am going to try this later... i swore though that was what we tried to do at my house and it didn't work hmmmmm i am gonna check it later...****love you kisses to you all

********update and official plans*********
I checked around and as far as i can see there are no 24 hour putt putt places in columbus...

5890 Scarborough Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43232
to see all the kick ass things for us to do check here let me tell you how much i love laser tag

we will be meeting between 1:00 and 2:00 this saturday whichever more people are willing to do so let me know either today or tomorrow before 9:00 because then i am going to post on SG ohio... i would love to do a later time but i have to work 4:30 - close at hot topic @ the polaris mall (right around the corner and convenient to get to from magic mountain) so tough shit to all you night owls you need to get up before 3:00 to have a good time this round

so far i have:
loe so i assume seven_c4
adrunkmobstar (able to go in theory)
whatshisnuts (maybe)
my boy micah
c'mon who else can go maybe we can get some group discount
i'll be getting back with ya later this week with some dates hopefully for some more get togethers, got anymore ideas? i'd like to do magic mountain again though, i mean there is really a ton of stuff to do there.
and get back to me about what i emailed ya about.
i'm sure i'll hear back from ya soon enough. you rock!
okay, so i found out today that SG Tryst will be coming to visit me the weekend of july 23rd, 24th & 25th, so we need to plan a get together. can we do that? i'm not sure if you would be interested, but SG Lennon is playing a show in dayton on that friday july 23rd, maybe we could get a get together going on for that? and then we could do a columbus get together on that saturday july 24th, what do you think? if not, maybe we can just plan something big for that whole weekend out there? we'll be up for anything involving our SG peeps of course !
lemme know what you think