okay so yesterday was micah's birthday and we went to cedar point... i had such a fun time there but what really sucked is i felt really sick and dizzy and pukey most of the day... i don't really know what was wrong but i even felt that way this morning when i woke up... at around 3ish i just felt better and have no idea what was really wrong with me... well i made the best of my time at america's roller coast even with a funny feeling head... i rode all the great rides millenium force... raptor... mantis... the mine ride
and all the other bad ass ones EXCEPT the dragster... the damn thing was closed down all but 3 hours out of the day and they were keeping the line really short so if they had to shut down again there weren't a shit load of people in the line... we were in line for the millenium when they were letting people in line... they didn't even give out the stamps since it was shut down for so long... i was so very dissapointed...
but i will go again this year and WILL ride the dragster...
on a different note who loves punky bruster... i wanted to be her so very bad when i was little... i even wore a bandanna around my knee to be like her
i love punky bruster soooooo much... ghosty is taking me on a trip down memory lane now..... he is playing all these different theme songs from old skool tv shows and movies.... who you gonna call... GHOSTBUSTERS...
anywho i absolutly have a blast when i work at hot topic... i work with great people and i am a hell of a sales person... man tell me why i never have worked in sales before...
if i had a comission job i would have made so much today... i can upsale someone buying a keychain...
go gadget go... oh sorry still listening to theme songs... and kit was the coolest car ever...
what is your favorite old skool show...??????
i love golden girls and designing women now (you can see them like 10 times a day on lifetime)
but back in the day it was so saved by the bell then 90210 and melrose place later... when i was really young i loved the fonz... he was the shit
my first true love...
well i'm off to watch SLC punk... i wanted to open it and watch it before i gave it to micah for his birthday but i thought that would be way mean... 'I'M HERE ABOUT THE JOB... '

on a different note who loves punky bruster... i wanted to be her so very bad when i was little... i even wore a bandanna around my knee to be like her

anywho i absolutly have a blast when i work at hot topic... i work with great people and i am a hell of a sales person... man tell me why i never have worked in sales before...

go gadget go... oh sorry still listening to theme songs... and kit was the coolest car ever...
what is your favorite old skool show...??????
i love golden girls and designing women now (you can see them like 10 times a day on lifetime)
but back in the day it was so saved by the bell then 90210 and melrose place later... when i was really young i loved the fonz... he was the shit

well i'm off to watch SLC punk... i wanted to open it and watch it before i gave it to micah for his birthday but i thought that would be way mean... 'I'M HERE ABOUT THE JOB... '

i used to love punky brewster, i was so in love with soleil moon frye, still am actually. she turned into a real beauty, but she was so adorable playing punky brewster. yes, i'm a dork as i did used to watch that show!
my favorite old school show was definitely saved by the bell, in fact i just recently bought all 4 seasons on dvd not too long ago. maybe i'll bring them over & if we have time we can watch some of them?
i also watched melrose place & beverly hills 90210 pretty religiously when those shows came out. thats back when i watched way too much tv, now im addicted to the internet, not sure which is better!
I like the Twilight Zone and 21 Jump Street (hard to find)...