okay so i am going to try this again... every time i try to update my keyboard goes fucking nuts... anyway i have had another week from hell... i thought ending up in the emergency room again was bad enough (especially with how much i ws bleeding and how very scared i had myself and the doctors), but on friday the news i recieved took the cake... one of my students who is very near and dear to my heart (as they all are) drowned in her neighbors pool in only wight inches of water... clariece was the smartest girl i have ever met... she was only 4 and could read... she knew words that 5th graders i have had in the past didn't know... she was like the mother and always asking how others were doing and if they needed help tieing their shoes or folding their blankets... she was the best little girl to know... but now she is gone and tomorrow i have to go to the funeral of a 4 year old who never should have died... with all the bad in the world and all the shitty people still alive and clariece had to die... it is not right nor fair... i have gone through some shit in the past few months... and i am really sick of it all...
my brother is being stationed in hawaii for 3 years... i will miss him a great deal and i need to start saving now to see him... my mother feels so alone... and i am trying to get into the peace corp... man is she going to be lonely... nicolelee moved into town and i got to hang out with her and urnes this past weekend... that was fun it was nice to get out of the house and see other people i have things in common with... i also hung out with a bunch of the people from hot topic... it was nice to feel like i had friends for the day... ghosty stopped by and he is as cute as ever... if anyone is trying to get ahold of him he has no acess to a computer and his account... he is in the process of trying to move... so he is not ignoring you... i am really sick of all the stress and shit in my life... i want an easy life... fuck this whole it makes you stronger bullshit... it pisses me off... anyway i am getting off because i have nothing else good to say... hope your life is good...

Damn. I won't even attempt to say anything, because this is on of things where no matter what I say, it probably wouldn't help. All I can really say is that I'm very sorry for you and the girls parents.
I'm so sorry KJ. When it rains, it poors huh? or something lame like that. do you know what i think is amazing? that through all of this, when i've seen you, you've still had a smile on your face. you still think of others. you are such a thoughtful, cheering, and admirable person. there is nothing i want more than a little happiness and good news thrown your way. love you, girl!