okay so joey is coming into columbus tomorrow morning and i get to pick him up at the train station (i have no idea where that is) and we get to hang out for the day... i am so very excited to meet him but so very very sad... he is coming into town the weekend i am going to alabama to meet micah's dad and step mom... we planned this trip when i found out i was pregnant then cancelled it when all the shit hit the fan and we almoist broke up and then decided to go again after things started to get better between the two of us... but it is okay that this is when he is coming because he says he is going to try to come again so we can have some good time together
i had all those interviews and let me tell you that 2 of them were just surreal... i walked into the interview with the 'arts school' and the interviewer who had only spoken to me for 5 minutes on the phone hugs me
what the fuck is that you do not hug someone you don't know if they are meeting you for an interview totally unprofessional... then she gives me the flyers they are designing to pass out to parents and askes me to edit it for her... what the hell is that all about... it wasn't a test for the interview or anything she just wanted an 'artistic' person to edit it for her... too crazy for me... but if they call me back for a second interview i'll go it's always good practice to go on as many interviews as you can... then i went to this other interview for a charter school (just a regular school nothing fancy) and it was crazy... they have classrooms the size of my bedroom (which is real small) for 25 kids... there was this one room where it was just those half walls you can buy put together and the teacher had to walk sidways infront of the desks to get to the chalkboard because that is all the room she had and it was just put together in the middle of the hall like they ran out of other places to put rooms... it was crazy i have no idea why anyone would send their kids there... then she asked me 2 questions didn't even see my resume or portfolio and said how totally impressed she was with me... i know i am impressive but only after you see my portfolio and credentials not after an online statement of interest and 2 questions... they are desperate... and aside from that they want me to teach art and other core classes like science or math... hell no i am an art teacher because that is what i am good at and love... i want to teach my passion if i wanted to be a regular classroom teacher i would have gone to school for that... then i was offered a job at a daycare center that was so great and i would love to take it but she wants me to commit for a full year and i can't honestly do that because if i get offered an art position i will have to take it... then i got a call back from the mosaica charter school that i went to the seminar for and they wanted to let me know that i was in the running for a position and my packet had just been mailed off to the columbus president of mosaica schools and i would be getting a call in the next couple weeks for a final interview... that is exciting because it will be a start up school and they really impressed me at their seminar and i really want this job... i am so excited that it is really an option... the only problem is that they need to hire the principals first and my interview won't be until the end of june and that is a little late in the game to hold off on taking another possible position... oh well i'll cross that bridge when i get to it... then today i had my second interview at hot topic and i hope that i get that weekend job... the interview went great and i really get along great with the manager and assistant manager... i am certian that the only thing that will stop me from getting that job is that i am only available nights and weekends and they want someone more permanent... i get paid today and i am afraid that my paycheck won't even cover rent because i didn't get paid for the 4 and 1/2 days i took off work... i am pretty terrified to see what it is... i will survive i always find a way to make it through... i went to the doctors and he said i am back to normal physically and now all we have to do is get my hormones back to normal... i have alot of the pregnancy hormone in me and it will take a week or 2 or 3 to get back to normal... but atleast i am in the free and clear and don't have to worry about infection anymore... what a relief...i was so pissed off at the doctors office though
let me tell you why... i walked in and the stupid nurse was like "so when's your due date" and i told her "i don't have a due date i miscarried" and she was like "does your doctor know" and i said "okay let me tell you what happened..." and went through the whole thing of the doc giving me citotec and then the emergency room and the methergine drugs and everything... so if i wasn't pissed enough that this stupid woman didn't review my chart before i walked in i really was pissed after we got into the room... she went to take my blood pressure and i was getting a little upset and misty since i was back in the office and remended of my sadness and the stupid nurse was like... "you shouldn't be sad at all because god knows what he is doing and..." i had to be a bitch and cut her off there and say "DON'T YOU TELL ME HOW TO FEEL..." she said "well god knew what he was doing when he miscarried my baby the dad was a real... " and i had to say "I DON'T WANT YOU TO TELL ME THAT THIS IS FOR THE BEST YOU ARE JUST UNVALIDATING MY FEELINGS AND I DON'T APPRECIATE IT I HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE SAD" then she got all huffy... i don't even give a shit i am not christian and don't want to hear the bullshit about god knowing what's best... i'll buy nature or my body knowing there was something wrong and aborting the baby for those reasons but i don't want to hear the god bullshit... you don't know me or my beliefs and i can feel sad if i want to... i never bought into the "hand it over to god" crap people try to tell me to do... what ever
mind your own damn business and leave you personal views out of it unless i know you and i ask for it or we are having an intellectual conversation and it is mutual to share beliefs... otherwise mindd your own...
once again so very unprofessional... well that was my week in not so much of a nutshell... love and kisses to all and remember i will not be online this weekend so i will talk to you all on tues...

I hear you may be going to Punk Nite on friday. I'm going to try and make it. If I see you, I'll say Hi if you don't mind. But I warn you, I'm a little shy
so I might just wave.

good luck with the job hunt, I'm about to head out and try to find myself a part time job that doesnt suck too hard.