so this weekend was great... i went with my brother and his girlfriend to get tattoos... i was bummed that i wasn't able to get mine but my baby is way more important... so my breo got this tattoo that i designed for him... a shark eating the coast guard logo... and his girlfriend was going to get a truck on her back that i designed for her... it was her 18th birthday and she had no tattoos... she decided to go with something smaller for her first... she got the word rebel between her shoulder blades.... it is going to go over the truck when she gets it... so she was so nervous that she passed out... not too abnormal... but when she was passed out she pissed on herself...
then she woke up and puked all over...
i felt sooooo bad for the poor girl... she said it wasn't even the pain she just was so nervous about it... that is the funniest... what a bro was going to keep it quiet and not let anyone know what happened... she called everyone on the way home and told them how she pissed herself... crazy chick...
so my news that i am guilty over is this... i have been a vegetarian for 2 years and a vegan for 6 months... this weekend i was dreaming of cheese... i wanted some mac and cheese so bad... i could even taste it in my dream... okay so i went out and bought a bunch of cheese and ate it... totally against my principles but i needed it... i was going crazy... damn cravings...
oh well i am going to try my hardest to stick to my diet but if i can't then i am not going to beat myself up over it or anything...
anyway the rest of the weekend i just hungout with the boy and relaxed... it was good to just be with him with no interuptions... the only thing that is really killing me about this whole pregnancy thing is the crying for no reason... i was emotional enough before and now i burst into tears with out any thing triggering it...
oh well that will pass as my body gets used to being pregnant i hope...
talk to you all later

so my news that i am guilty over is this... i have been a vegetarian for 2 years and a vegan for 6 months... this weekend i was dreaming of cheese... i wanted some mac and cheese so bad... i could even taste it in my dream... okay so i went out and bought a bunch of cheese and ate it... totally against my principles but i needed it... i was going crazy... damn cravings...

anyway the rest of the weekend i just hungout with the boy and relaxed... it was good to just be with him with no interuptions... the only thing that is really killing me about this whole pregnancy thing is the crying for no reason... i was emotional enough before and now i burst into tears with out any thing triggering it...

talk to you all later

kellyjanice said on May 06, 2004 02:09 PM
i have no idea what the hell that is ... can i still talk to you if i go to after prom... i will cry if you don't want to talk to me
why on EARTH would i NOT talk to you anymore?? you're my bud kelly - what the fuck are you talking about? are you pulling my crank or what?