it has been soooo long since i posted... or a tleast it seems that way to me... okay i went to cape may new jersey to watch my brother graduate from boot camp... for those of you who don't remember he joined the coast guard... i was so very proud of my brother... this is the first thing he has ever really wanted in his life... it took him forever to get accepted because he has a heart murmer... he made it in and got damn near 100% in everything...
he received an award for seamanship as in knowledge of the boats and not semen... he had top scores in that area of testing... after the ceramony was over he cried and hugged me and the fam and it was very emotional... then he was more interested in my pregnancy than his experiences in the last 8 weeks... i love my bro he is my buddy...
so then we had a 10 hour drive home... we followed my dad and he is such a putz... let me explain... we were caravaning so my bro could switch off... so we hit rush hour outside of philly and my dad decides to take a quick shortcut through philly and avoid the traffic... okay so if there was a short cut don't you think all the locals would be taking it... anyway we stop for directions at the VA hospital and the security guard keeps telling my dad to turn back... he of course insists on taking his route and he takes off not heeding the guards advise... we get lost in the GHETTO of philly and my dad is running every red light because he is so scared... he decides that we need to take another route and he turns one street over and goes back through the same neighborhood that had him freaked out before... mind you he has now had us drive for an extra hour and we have gotten no where... then he still doesn't get on the highway insisting that there is a better way and he keeps on driving through the heart of philly... 2 hours after we got off the highway we get back on the highway only to get stuck in, you guessed it, more rush hour traffic...
what an ass... i forgot to mention... when we were in the middle of the ghetto with all the bars on the windows and people beating the shit out of each other in the middle of the road with foreign objects... my white as white can be step mother gets out of my dads van to come tell us that my dad knows where he is going... mind you we all have cell phones... and while she is at our window my dasd starts to take off and leave her there... what an ASS...
she chased after him and he finally stopped and picked her up... so then we had to stop every 2 rest stops so my dad could stretch his old ass legs... at one of the stops we were getting back on to the high way and my dad stops in the middle of the on-ramp and gets out of his van... there are cars coming at him and he is just looking around dazed... he walks up to our car and asks "are we going the rightt way..." there was ONLY ONE WAY TO GO... what the fuck is wrong with this man... he added about 4 extra hours of driving onto our trip and then he stops and says "I'M TOO TIRED TO KEEP GOING YOU GUYS GO AHEAD"... that ass added all that time then ditched us... what a fuck head... oh well he makes a trip interesting that is for sure...
okay so i am about 7 weeks pregnant now and ready to see the doctor... my first appointment is next thursday, the 6th, at 10:00 AM... i can't wait... this is all so exciting... okay so tell me what has been going on in your lives... missed you all love you all kisses

so then we had a 10 hour drive home... we followed my dad and he is such a putz... let me explain... we were caravaning so my bro could switch off... so we hit rush hour outside of philly and my dad decides to take a quick shortcut through philly and avoid the traffic... okay so if there was a short cut don't you think all the locals would be taking it... anyway we stop for directions at the VA hospital and the security guard keeps telling my dad to turn back... he of course insists on taking his route and he takes off not heeding the guards advise... we get lost in the GHETTO of philly and my dad is running every red light because he is so scared... he decides that we need to take another route and he turns one street over and goes back through the same neighborhood that had him freaked out before... mind you he has now had us drive for an extra hour and we have gotten no where... then he still doesn't get on the highway insisting that there is a better way and he keeps on driving through the heart of philly... 2 hours after we got off the highway we get back on the highway only to get stuck in, you guessed it, more rush hour traffic...

okay so i am about 7 weeks pregnant now and ready to see the doctor... my first appointment is next thursday, the 6th, at 10:00 AM... i can't wait... this is all so exciting... okay so tell me what has been going on in your lives... missed you all love you all kisses

1470 west is closing its doors...
1470 West invites you to join us for our final days!
It's not an easy thing to say - but we wanted to be up front with everyone. We will be closing our doors for the last time in May.
Consider yourself invited to join us every weekend in May!! We will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as normal until the closing date posted below.
We have never fizzled at anything we have done - and we don't plan to start now!! Help us celebrate nearly 3 decades of fun and stop in while you can!
See you all soon!
1470 West
Last Business Day: SATURDAY May 29 2004
talk to you soon i hope.