****Kitty Update****.
okay so here's the update... i found out that jackson (my cat) no longer has any genitals therefore, i was wrong in saying he was a hermaphorite... he is nothing... my kitty has no sex now... how much has that got to suck... you can't pee then when you wake up your dick is gone... i thought it was bad enough when i had the docs take his nuts but now he has nothing... apparently since he was not going to pee from his penis they thought that he did not need it anymore... why not keep it for looks... oh well it sucks but it would suck even more if he were dead... aside from the penis thing he seems to be doing great... he has his energy back and he is loving so much on me now... i am a little worried about how he is always hissing at pablo (his brother) whenever i let them near each other... they were joined at the hip before his surgery... i hope their relationship goes back to normal after the 2 weeks of solitude is up... i love my kitties so much
****what's new with me****
oh so you want to know what is going on with me huh... well... i had a couple really good days at work (the bitch... i mean boss was out) i love those kids they crack me up... my boy (micahticus) better watch out there are some people who want me to be their girlfriend... i had to tell those three year olds that they just weren't old enough to marry me... so you want to hear what SUCKS... i went in to work today and didn't pack lunch because micah was supposed to meet me and i was going to have him bring lunch... well of course he gets called into work so i had to go home to get lunch for myself... about 1/2 a mile down the road my car starts bogging down and white smoke poured out of my exhaust... so needless to say i FREAKED OUT and pulled over... i ran to the ass end of my car only to find antifreeze leaking out of my tailpipe... i called my dad (he is a mechanic) and he told me that i really fucked up my car and i was going to have to have the whole engine pulled apart... GREAT... so i had to get the car back to work, didn't get to eat lunch, and had to figure out how i was getting my car home because the ladies i work with said "your car MIGHT be here in the morning if you leave it"... that was not enough reassurance for me... i love my el camino
... so micah came after work and brought a shit load of antifreeze...i started to drive it home but i was freaking too much and micah took over... we had to keep filling the radiator and the throddle decided to get stuck on the way home... i can't believe it made it... i'm sure that the people driving behind us got quite high off the fumes we were letting out... the smoke cloud was insaine... it looked like my car was going to blow up
... so anyway it would really suck if i had to pay to get it fixed or towed since i just dropped all that money into saving cute little jackson... but since my dad is a mechanic he is going to come pick up the car on saturday with his flat bed and take it to cleveland... which is where i am heading off to this weekend for my bros going away party... he joined the coast guard and is shipping off to basic training on the 2nd... anyway my dad says he'll have it fixed by the time i am ready to come back FREE OF CHARGE... that rocks... so even though i am upset that my baby is broken it could be so much worse...
well i guess that is all i have to say right now except... love you all
okay so here's the update... i found out that jackson (my cat) no longer has any genitals therefore, i was wrong in saying he was a hermaphorite... he is nothing... my kitty has no sex now... how much has that got to suck... you can't pee then when you wake up your dick is gone... i thought it was bad enough when i had the docs take his nuts but now he has nothing... apparently since he was not going to pee from his penis they thought that he did not need it anymore... why not keep it for looks... oh well it sucks but it would suck even more if he were dead... aside from the penis thing he seems to be doing great... he has his energy back and he is loving so much on me now... i am a little worried about how he is always hissing at pablo (his brother) whenever i let them near each other... they were joined at the hip before his surgery... i hope their relationship goes back to normal after the 2 weeks of solitude is up... i love my kitties so much

****what's new with me****
oh so you want to know what is going on with me huh... well... i had a couple really good days at work (the bitch... i mean boss was out) i love those kids they crack me up... my boy (micahticus) better watch out there are some people who want me to be their girlfriend... i had to tell those three year olds that they just weren't old enough to marry me... so you want to hear what SUCKS... i went in to work today and didn't pack lunch because micah was supposed to meet me and i was going to have him bring lunch... well of course he gets called into work so i had to go home to get lunch for myself... about 1/2 a mile down the road my car starts bogging down and white smoke poured out of my exhaust... so needless to say i FREAKED OUT and pulled over... i ran to the ass end of my car only to find antifreeze leaking out of my tailpipe... i called my dad (he is a mechanic) and he told me that i really fucked up my car and i was going to have to have the whole engine pulled apart... GREAT... so i had to get the car back to work, didn't get to eat lunch, and had to figure out how i was getting my car home because the ladies i work with said "your car MIGHT be here in the morning if you leave it"... that was not enough reassurance for me... i love my el camino

well i guess that is all i have to say right now except... love you all

car trouble is evil and awful and one of the reasons i hate driving. i haven't washed my car all winter, and it looks like it hasn't been washed all winter. i think i'm gonna treat her to a nice long bath on wednesday.
but it's a good thing your father's a mechanic. and close by to boot! i would be screwed if my dad had to fix my car. he's in new york city!