so i uploaded a shit load of my art work to my pics and you should check it out... the lithograph series stages of grief is my pride and joy... they are the ones that are black and white... they were published in a local magazine because it won best in show at the college... the ones that are really tall and long of the food were part of an instalation... the 5 prints were on the wall and there were pedestals underneath them that had plates of food on them... the food on the plate was what was in the print above it and i painted the food with food coloring so the print and food were the same color... in front of the first pedestal there was a scale with calorie numbers silk screened on in that weighed you your normal weight... in front of the last pedestal after you walked past all this food there was a scale with calorie numbers silk screened on it that weighed you 100 lbs. heavier... i hope you can picture what i am saying because it was really cool...the line drawing of the girl was just a study and no big deal...the yellow paintings were done after i came home and found out that my exgirlfriend had left and stole every thing i owned when i was out of town... i can't even post my favorite paintings i have ever done because i have no web pics of them... they are at my moms I shoud take a camera there... i would like to know what you all think of my art but please remember that this is my life and there is no need to be an ass hole...
you and your boyfriend are cool people
we need to do a monday night thing at my place and all watch monster garage...
see you saterday...