just as i promised on Episode 2 of my podcast, i have posted pictures of me in drag on Top Fives' website... liberty spikes and 'boy makeup' galore... check it out!!
and if you dont know what i am talking about that means that you have not yet listened to the coolest podcast in town... well what the hell are you waiting for subscribe now to Top Fives
can you believe i go back to work on monday
Kelly Janice
and if you dont know what i am talking about that means that you have not yet listened to the coolest podcast in town... well what the hell are you waiting for subscribe now to Top Fives
can you believe i go back to work on monday

Kelly Janice
awww thank you love
hehe.. I have been workin hard on loosin some extra lbs and gettin myself back to where I wanna be
weeeee! 11 days and my jordan is here!! I can't waittttt~ 

Whoa... podcast? Downloading now!! can't wait to hear your voice...