Rise and shine my darling ducklings. Whew! What a week I've had. No, not really. I'm just stoked that I have the next two days off and so I have so many ideas of what I would like to do, but of course money would be an issue as always. I should of been born rich that way I could do all the unselflish good deeds that are always on my mind, but that isn't how "god" intended my life to be so I take one day at a time and ride it to the end. Know what I mean Vern? So anyways I was saying to Mable...hehehe Hmm so now I sit here typing to whom ever is listening slightly whinning for no particular reason on the parrels (Fuck! I can't remember the correct spelling! Grrr...) of life. Erm, actually in MY life. Well I'm at a loss of words now so you have yourself the most extraordinary day possible and I will try to do the same. Tootles dollface.
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