Everyday is a challange for me especially when it comes to my personal life. I won't go into detail because I seriously doubt it would be interesting for the common outsider. I just needed to vent and I guess for now this is the way I choose to do it. I think it partly has to do with this abrubt tummy virus I got last night. I was in the middle of a shoot last night when the virus hit me and boy let me tell you it wasn't good. I couldn't finish and had to reschedule for Wednesday. Oh well. Everything in life happens for a reason at least that is what I believe. I've got medicine head and I'm slightly grumpy so that mix isn't necessarily a positive one to be around. I guess that is why all my roommates are gone. I've been told I'm not pleasant to be around when sick and knowing this one might come to the conclusion not to be so difficult. Blah, blah, blah I also have a tendenacy to ramble on and on and on...Okay that is all I have to say about that. Later
Don't worry about using your journal to vent. I do it from time to time and it actually helps to make me feel better. Besides, reading other peoples vents can make for a good read or give others the opportunity to provide some helpful advice or sympathy.