Mmm, s t r e T C H...Micky, my 10 year old kitty, looks to me gives me some of his wonderful cold, nose kisses, jumps the bed, looks at the gate, then back at me as if to say, "Would you mind?" Ha! My kitty has definitely got character. I do one more good S T R E T C H and proceed to slowly roll out of bed. I'm Micky's elevator ya know. I open the front door to let him out, yet he still paws at the door as if on this particular day I would forget. A mystery they are indeed! I reach over and


...I use the last three squares...

, slighty miffed at myself for not taking care of that errand last night. I grab my sweatpants, hat, keys and handbag and I'm out the door. My plan is drive to Walgreen's, go in entrance off 15th, leave by way of Market street, turn right on 17th, pass 7-11, make another right past the Post Office and fill up on gas at the 76 Station. I pick my man up from the airport later this evening so I wanted to make sure the van was good to go.

As I am driving down 15 Avenue in the right hand lane I notice two cop cars are stoped ahead in the lane I am in so I turn on my left turn signal and drive over. As I approach closer I noticed several cop cars surrounding the 76 Gas Station, yellow crime scene tape, camera man walking briskly to set up his camera, news crew getting ready to roll...I admit I did rubberneck...it's my hood. I'm curious. I continue onward to my destiination and purchase the very needed and completely out of TP. I stick to the plan and leave by way of Market street, turn right on 17th, pass 7-11, make another right past the Post Office and try to fill up at the 76 Station knowing full well I would not be able to. It was just another excuse for me to rubber neck a bit more. I make another right back onto 15th Avenue, make left on Market street and thankfully no cars made a swirft left turn into the shell gas station. I ask the clerk as I am pre paying, "Do you know what happened at the 76 Gas Station"? His reply, "Yes. Approxiimately 7am this morning the place got robbed and the clerk was shot

and killed". He proceeds to describe the clerk to me per my request. I knew the guy, not well but he always remembered me when I would I come in. A nice, younger fellow, dark hair and eyes. Friendly. That's the gas station we stop at before riding out hardknocks' for a long, fun ride.

I instantly got a chill down my spine and goose bumps up and down my arms. It has sadden me greatly. I did shed tears for the younger man when I arrived back home, sitting on the couch typing to my man about what I had seen and heard
just as I am doing right now with you. I did turn on the television and checked all the news stations in hopes maybe one was covering it live. I ended up turning it off.
I do not understand WHY they had to kill the clerk. Isn't enough to go in an steal from people, mostly likely family owned and operated business? I mean think about it. It's from all their hard work, blood, sweat and tears, years of compromising to get to be where they are today.
**Seriously if your having a bad time, life isn't treating you well, you got no money, maybe you recently became homeless...ya know just down and out...either take this

and call me in the morning OR

BUT DON'T TAKE OUT THE CLERK. C'mon a bigger person would just say

and sleep on it.