Heres a true story that should bring a smile to your face.
My man is in MN right now. He wired me monies today to help me get through while he is away. I receive $100 via Western Union. I go to my bank to pay the overdraft fee I was aware of which was $34.00. Of course it's never what it seems. I actually ended up being $72.00 in overdrafts. I won't go into WHY I had the overdrafts other than a hint, CLEARWIRE. Anyway, now I have twenty bucks to my name until he returns home. There is no gas in the van so basically the twenty bucks gets to go into gas so I can pick him up in two days which leaves me ZERO. I send him an email to inform him that I am now broke again so would he send more monies via western union. He doesn' feel like going to western union again so of course I am livid and think his behavior is inconsiderate and rude. My attitude at this point to anyone who said anything to me was
Bottom line I am pissed so to try to get me back into a lovely mood so I distract myself by walking to the library and taking care of letters I needed to type and mail in. Mind you I am still very upset. I finish at the library and walk home by way of the Post Office. Along the way I pass the senior assisted living and approximately ten feet in front of me I notice a ladybug on the sidewalk. Now through the grape vine I have been told ladybugs bring good fortune. I lay my hand down on the sidewalk in hopes the ladybug crawls up which it eventually did. I admire the ladybug for several minutes, then put it back down only this time not on the sidewalk where it could be potentially squished, yet on the grass next to a tree. Of course the incident brings a smile to my face. I continue onward to my apartment. I was craving the can sprite I had bought earlier so I take it out of the fridge, open a cabinet door to grab the coozie and to my suprise there lays a fifty dollar bill. I seriously stood there in disbelief for what seem like longer than it mostly likely was.
WOW! Wonders never cease. I now am able to survive until my man returns home, hence I am now in a wonderful mood.
I really want to go out dancing, but I have no one to go with. My friends are all pre occupied so I guess it's a good book tonight lounging with my beloved kitty, Micky. Oh and let's not forget my three crazy, yet super cute ferrets.

My man is in MN right now. He wired me monies today to help me get through while he is away. I receive $100 via Western Union. I go to my bank to pay the overdraft fee I was aware of which was $34.00. Of course it's never what it seems. I actually ended up being $72.00 in overdrafts. I won't go into WHY I had the overdrafts other than a hint, CLEARWIRE. Anyway, now I have twenty bucks to my name until he returns home. There is no gas in the van so basically the twenty bucks gets to go into gas so I can pick him up in two days which leaves me ZERO. I send him an email to inform him that I am now broke again so would he send more monies via western union. He doesn' feel like going to western union again so of course I am livid and think his behavior is inconsiderate and rude. My attitude at this point to anyone who said anything to me was

WOW! Wonders never cease. I now am able to survive until my man returns home, hence I am now in a wonderful mood.
I really want to go out dancing, but I have no one to go with. My friends are all pre occupied so I guess it's a good book tonight lounging with my beloved kitty, Micky. Oh and let's not forget my three crazy, yet super cute ferrets.


Did you ever figure out where the fifty came from?
yeah my man said he remembered putting is aside, but forgot what for.