I thoroughly enjoy working out; however lately I've gotten a bit lazy. Well that isn't entirely true, I did have the motorcycle accident that put me out briefly, then the rest is just laziness. I have Gunnar Peterson workout at home. His workout shows results. I did have a free 7 day trial at LA Fitness which I absolutely enjoyed. I wanna get a monthly membership, but lately fifty bucks is more the equivilent of $200!
My first month at Rick's as a manager was interesting, new, get to listen to music all night, but now I think no so much. I am sticking it out for ~ 8 months until I can attend the Animal Control Officer Academy March 2010. I can start taking some courses in October.

and on that note...

I was hoping it was YOUR ass 

Acorns... LOL, good one ! I prefer " Nice Onion, brings tears to your eyes ! ", but whatever works...