I HAVE A JOBBY JOB!!! I am one of the managers at Rick's Adult Entertainment Club. It's great b/c I work nights so I have the beautiful sunny days to take care of any errands I may have. HAPPY DANCE TIME (birthday dance is the same...heehee)

***On Sunday May 10th MOTHER'S DAY my beloved kitty, Micky did not come home. He is let out every morning to do his morning poos, then returns home either by his own will or I call him & he comes running like a dog. I had a gut feeling around 3ish that something was terribly wrong. It's not like him to be out more than a couple hours before he will check in or lay lazily on his chair on the porch. It was time for me to leave for work so I got ready and my man drove me to work. He picks me up with no news of Micky. The tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was sobbing by the time I laid my head down in the pillows. A few weeks earlier I had over heard a strange conversation outside in our parking lot. I was napping so when I awoke I was a bit bewildered, but my gut was tellinig me to look outside, so I did. We live on the second floor of what looks like a house. I stand on my porch unbenounced to the three individuals below listening them discuss my kitty, Micky. The over weight lady has my kitty held in mid air so I yell down, "Put my kitty down"! They all three raise their heads & all three looked like a deer in headlights. The lady responds, "Oh this is my kitty", then the story changes to "This looks like my kitty, then changes again to "My kitty died". I am thinking to myself, "You better get your fucking hands off my kitty before I knock your asses to the moon!", but instead keep myself together and sturnly say, "NO THIS IS MY 10 YEAR OLD KITTY, MICKY. PUT MY KITTY DOWN". They put him down, but continued to discuss him as the slowly walked away as if not believing me that he is my kitty. Once I called Micky's name and he replied to me and came walking over they finally realized that YES he is my boy. When MIcky did not come home the next day, I went to the Humane Society and checked with the staff, grabbed a large stack of blue door hanging flyers, went home and began writing out Date Lost, Name, Phone, Markings, and attached a picture of him and passed them out from 59th up to 65th street and everywhere in between. I made 8x10 colored flyers and posted on poles, in establishments where they alllowed it. SEVEN DAYS PASS & I AM BESIDE MYSELF. I did nothing during the day except make more flyers and pass out. Sleep...what's that! I didn't even feel right having any fun knowing my boy was somewhere very scared. I started thinking the lady I had seen weeks earlier snatched him. I had many MANY horrible thoughts of what might have happened. I end up asking my Mom who lives in Albuquerque, NM to talk to a psyhic and see if she could get any information of his where abouts. She did have a penjilum (sp) so since I was desperate I was willing to try anything. We asked Yes and No questions and BELIEVE IT the results were this:
MIcky isn't far away
Micky is in a place he cannot get out
MIcky has not been abducted
Micky is okay
MIcky is on the east side
On Sunday 17th, some friends come over on their knocks to go for a ride to Queen Anne to see a trike race and while they were waiting downstairs, outside they heard a kitty meow. No one said anything until my man left with them, got to their destination & began talking. Chris, a friend of ours, who actually did not know our kitty MIcky was missing mentioned the meow he heard to my man. Instantly my man calls me and tells me they heard a kttiy meowing perhaps in the garage downstairs. I drop the phone, run downstairs and call for MIcky. I hear him in the community garage which is only for our tenents (~6). He is locked inside! The landlord only gives keys out to the tenents who will make use of the garage. We didn't and still don't have any use for it so we did not have a key. I call the landlord immediately and being a beautiful sunny day he wasn't home. No tenents were home either. It was gonna be a hot day and I knew I had to get Micky out. I was ready to break the garage door. Thankfully my man and two of our friends came rolling back on their knocks to help me out. My man called the locks smith. Approximtely 45 minutes later the garage is opened and my bleoved kitty, MIcky was rescued. Poor guy stuck in the dark with no windows, barely any ventilation, no food, no water, all alone...THE TEARS JUST ROLLED DOWN MY CHEEKS. I am sooooo very thankful he was okay. Good thing he is pleseantly plump! I honestly believe he would of not lived had he been normal weight.

and the crowd goes wild...


Keep Smiling

"that guy is handsome alright! "