Hey Sugarboogers!
The days are L O N G simply due to the fact that I am part of the UNEMPLOYED population. CRAZY! I did a career change June 2, 2008 from Veterinary to Aviation...MISTAKE. My true calling is working with animals!
**CALLING ANY CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE SEATTLE AREA** Okay to contact me via yahoo OR facebook.
Well I am out like...
The days are L O N G simply due to the fact that I am part of the UNEMPLOYED population. CRAZY! I did a career change June 2, 2008 from Veterinary to Aviation...MISTAKE. My true calling is working with animals!
**CALLING ANY CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE SEATTLE AREA** Okay to contact me via yahoo OR facebook.
Well I am out like...
sorry you're not working, being unemployed sucks. i've been there.