I'd like to thank everyone for all the love on my two new and of course older sets! I got so many notifications that I got a bit lost and I can't return all the love. But if you want me to check out your sets, please don't be afraid to message me and shamelessly promote yourself haha. I love looking through everyone's pictures. You...
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I'd like to thank everyone for all the likes and lovely comments on my last 3 sets! I also appreciate all the nice personal messages I got. 😊
I did a little interview a couple days ago. Curious? Feel free to read it all here: http://travelermicrophone.tumblr.com/post/154026938057/kelly-dont-call-me-hot
For some reason my notifications want show the correct number. So please don't think I'm ignoring anyone, my notifications are just a mess haha.
I changed the rewards for people that donate monthly! Please let me know if I can add more rewards, all the suggestions are welcome! www.patreon.com/kellokittehoffical
Normally I would thank everyone personally but it got a bit too much haha. Thank you everyone, for following me, for the likes, comments, love and support. You guys are amazing!