Mi madre sent some homemade cookies home with me ive been eatin nothing but for three days now
.......that woman can cook ass off she made dinner for me too cause she knows I never eat. Im starting to get a little bit of a cookie belly
I think I look allright with a lil pooch ......... when there gone so goes the belly tho........I want a chic with crazy skills in the culinary arts . I cant believe my eyes fuckin MATLOCK is on right now this has to be one of the shittiest shows ever made I wanna turn but ironically its the best thing on the tube right now I need to bootleg some cable some how
network tv fucking blows
anyway Im starting to dig writing in this journal I can purge thousands of ideas and thoughts I can tell my brain is overloaded cause Ive dreamt some very weird shit every single nite for weeks now.........Is that normal???????????

fuck my dreams have been wierd lately too....i can hardley sleep...i wake up feelin scared like ive had a nightmare...but i dont know what it was...know what i mean??...Cookie bellies are allllllll goood...i have a baby belly thats waaaaaaaaaay worse!!! So i DEMAND you show me a pic of you so i know who im talkin too!!!! x x
Hope youre okies x x x x

OMG.....Just went and saw your pic in my pack on catch27.......jeeez youre cute!!!!
x x x