I called my dad on his birthday tuesday it blew my mind when he told me he turned 60 its hard for me to come to grips that the majority of his life is over. I use to think he was the cats fucking meow as a kid, I wanted to dress like him be like him everthing , I never really felt that same unbridled pride for my Dad as I did when I was a kid . The older I got I realized his faults and that feeling slowly faded ..... everytime we talk now he always says " I'm proud of you" I sometimes think he's says it out of guilt for bailing out on the family, but its his way of saying sorry and I understand. I'm not gonna be one of those bastard kids that tell their parents on their deathbed how much they fucked their life up or what they held them back from doing.......
On a lighter note its superbowl sunday I have little interest in the actual game those dude make way to much fucking moola to play A GAME!!!!!! I wish someone would offer me a million dollar contract to play connect four, I love that game I love to see the anguish on peoples faces when I yell CONNECT FOUR BITCH!!!!!!!! and dance around the room, IM not that bad but it is fun when I win
.....anyway me and my boys are headed to the best fucking bar in Portland TOM"S to get wasted and watch some of the game. The superbowl is a good excuse for being drunk on a sunday at 3:oo even though its sucks LATE
On a lighter note its superbowl sunday I have little interest in the actual game those dude make way to much fucking moola to play A GAME!!!!!! I wish someone would offer me a million dollar contract to play connect four, I love that game I love to see the anguish on peoples faces when I yell CONNECT FOUR BITCH!!!!!!!! and dance around the room, IM not that bad but it is fun when I win

hahah. Being drunk on a Sunday at 3pm needs no excuse!!