finally friday underworld is here the only downfall is its at one of those chain theaters, I havnt been to a theater where you couldnt order a beer and a slice in forever. for 9 bucs it better rock as hard as undwrld 1. given a choice between being a vampire or a werewolf VAMPIRE is the clear winner seductive but yet brutally savage......sometimes I sound like such a fucking geek
........ anyway I decide to go back to school. To open my shop I need to learn more about autobody and the Ins and outs of deisel engines....when its all said a done I want to take a beat up classic ride, fully restore it and drop a deisel engine that can run off of biodeisel not ASSoline

thanks for your comments!!!!

Kel...thank you so much for my gift!! Im overwhelmed....thank you soo much i LOVE it!!!!!! x x x x