Every time I login all I ever have is one lonley little comment
is it the fact that I update my journal once a month....or that I never have any fucking intresting pictures to show for god sakes I dont even have a fucking profile pic !!!!!!! I wanna be popular in the SG nation I need help please Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY back to real life Thanksgiving was a fucking BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! it doesnt mean shit to me but free food, free booze, and a chance to watch drunk people make complete ass of themselves
do to all the people it was held at a reception hall . catered food, open bar it was heaven my new drink is white russians I drank one after the other nonstop I could have shit vodka flavored ice cream the best part of the night was the when these two drunk bald dudes started wrestling and fell on the ground they looked like brothers or father and son but at one point the two of their bald heads were smashed together and it looked like a giant ASS I thought I was gonna piss myself I laughed so hard