Its been a real chill week so far nothing to speak of the ROOTS put on a bomb ASS show which I expected live music and hip hop rule........ anyways not sure what I'll get into this weekend maybe nadda ????? iM in a mellow mood for the first time in a while theres a horror flick high tension I may rent the cover looked intense theres a chic with a real short bob holding this huge buzz saw covered in sweat and blood mmmmmmm sexy order some extra spicy food from my favorite spot thai noon and sip on some guiness with my feet up
what a pipe dream cause someone will drop by unanounced and coax me into going out cause I cant say no maybe I'll just hide under the fuckin covers till they GO AWAY!!!!!! but my own dog who I feed, walk, let sleep in my bed, and pick up his shit everyday gives me away by barking at every single knock on the door till I answer it

hopfully I wont..he was from out of town...or I'll just pretend I have a twin sister hahahahaha