Bury the hatchet with an old enemy. You are usually the peacemaker, but in this case and with this person you can't seem to give in. But there is much to be gained from befriending an old friend who let you down. First, you will reestablish a connection that was once very, very good for you. Second, you will fill up a dark spot in your soul with light, and that's always a good thing. Reach out to this person and you will probably be met with gratitude and joy.
Horoscope for August 3, 2010
Now i'm more confused than i was before. Fantastic.
Excellent. If only we could "merge" your talents with my endowments!! *snicker*
Hahaha thankyou, and yes, I LOVE the early stages of dating when things just get completely off track. I end up loving the experience so much more because of it!