Holy mother fucking balls my skin feels like it's on fucking fire!!! Aloe with lidocaine only helps for, it seems like, 15 minutes, and yesterday this sweetheart of a man lathered it on me and it was nice, but today it's absolute agony!! And i'm really pissed with myself because this weekend was supposed to be awesome and new and fuck it, a lot of screwing and i ruined the shit out of it by allowing myself, once again, to get my skin fried in the sun. So, instead of having a really fun weekend, i'm showing not only my 'fuck off, i'm in pain and very moody' side, but also my 'wow, could i be a bigger dumbass' side...i mean, let's be real here, i'm fucking 29 years old and have been burning my skin repeatedly since infancy...enough is enough...i will never drink in the sun again. see, even as i'm writing it i know it's complete bullshit. fuck. okay, we're getting settled in to watch 'The Departed'...actually really surprised i haven't seen this movie yet...at least he loves that i'm the girl that loves 'dude movies' 

Which is a street, haha. I felt a little bad, but not really. It just scared em a little bit!