Well, that's that. Done with all the flight instructor ratings. I'm now 100% legal to teach people how to fly airplanes. Scary thought, huh? I'll be driving out of this hell on Earth place known as Arlington, TX sometime tomorrow and trekking back to Memphis, TN. For there, I'll hole up and send out resumes to everywhere I can think of until I get a job. Then, my nomadic life begins again as I pack my shit into my Altima and drive to wherever that may be. Here are the frontrunners:
Nashville, TN - pay is about twice everywhere else, but the winters are a little more severe. Could cut down on flying time, and if I don't fly, I don't get paid
Orlando, FL - back home where all of my friends are, but hurricanes and thunderstorms tend to fuck with flying time as well. Pays much less than Nashville, but flight hours might be more plentiful, thus making it about equal.
Arlington, TX - Much as I would rather jump into a vat of boiling coals (which might actually be a cooler temperature than here), staying here would net be a decent amount of flight time, and a shitload more time in multi-engine planes, which is what airlines like to see.
So, those are my top three, but I'll work anywhere that wants to pay me more than $12/hr to do this gig. Any less than that, and my loans are gonna default.....
Nashville, TN - pay is about twice everywhere else, but the winters are a little more severe. Could cut down on flying time, and if I don't fly, I don't get paid
Orlando, FL - back home where all of my friends are, but hurricanes and thunderstorms tend to fuck with flying time as well. Pays much less than Nashville, but flight hours might be more plentiful, thus making it about equal.
Arlington, TX - Much as I would rather jump into a vat of boiling coals (which might actually be a cooler temperature than here), staying here would net be a decent amount of flight time, and a shitload more time in multi-engine planes, which is what airlines like to see.
So, those are my top three, but I'll work anywhere that wants to pay me more than $12/hr to do this gig. Any less than that, and my loans are gonna default.....