Well, I've been in Texas for almost two months, and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I've got my checkride for my flight instructor rating with the FAA next week. Cool. The inspector that I got stuck with has a nasty reputation. Shitty. Rumor around the airport is that he has a 0% pass rate, and he likes it that way. Most of the people I've talked to that had their checkrides with him failed twice, and had to take the checkride again a third time. The third time is with a different examiner who more or less takes pity on you. If I knew I was going to get a fair shake on the exam, I'd feel pretty good about it. As it is, I'm just hoping to have it done by the end of next week. I think it's pretty fucked up that the guy still has a job considering he fails people just to fail them. One guy was failed for not knowing one little thing about an airplane he's never flown and never will, and another guy was failed for not completing a checklist. Fucked up thing about that one was the guy DID do the checklist, but the examiner was looking out the window. Since he said he didn't see it, it never happened according to him. I'm SOOOO looking forward to this.
I'll be flying over Arlington, Ft Worth, Denton and Dallas all this week getting ready to hopefully put this asshole in his place. I'm essentially taking the stance of "I'm gonna do my damndest to break this retard's streak," so I don't want to give him any excuse to bust my balls.
I'll be flying over Arlington, Ft Worth, Denton and Dallas all this week getting ready to hopefully put this asshole in his place. I'm essentially taking the stance of "I'm gonna do my damndest to break this retard's streak," so I don't want to give him any excuse to bust my balls.
Haha. The only worse than summer is the week between xmas and new years. That's the busiest time of year for us. Stupid tourists everywhere.