Okay, so if anyone needs a pilot to fly an airplane with more than one engine, I am now officially your guy. The FAA saw fit in its infinite wisdom to grant me a commercial pilot license for multi-engine aircraft. Yeah, bitch. I'm all legal and shit now. Too bad I only have about 255 hours total, so no insurance company in their right mind would cover me. Ah, well. It's nice to know I could actually TAKE the job if offered now. I'm taking the day off from flying tomorrow, then right back at it on Friday. Next step is getting the commercial license for single engine planes. Yeah, I know silly. Don't get me started on the FAA and their rules. No. Really.
yeah, we saw star wars up at city walk. I know roonwit plans on seeing it again at Disney, as do I . I figure if I am going to see it again, I might as well do it on the digital screen. And as for the ewoks, someone brought in the Ewoks movie to work. Everytime I walked through our green room between shows, the stupid ewoks were on the tv, I wanted to through the movie away, ended up locking the cabinet with the tv in it so no one could watch thaat movie (It's good to be the person with the keys)