And fast forward over a month......
I am officially in the armpit of the South, northeastern Mississippi. Florida didn't work out near as well as I had hoped, so that was a total waste of money. Now, I'm waiting on a student loan to come through, and hopefully Dallas, TX will work out much better. Not a big fan of TX, but I managed to squeeze onto a Southwest flight, fly to Dallas and check out the flight school. The school is good, and it's about $5K cheaper than the one in FL (there was much rejoicing). The weather in Dallas in the summer shouldn't be much worse than Orlando. I'm used to cutting through the humidified air with a knife to get to my car as well as breaking out into a clothes drenching sweat the minute I leave the apartment.
In the mean time, I'm twiddling my thumbs in bible thumper land. Pity me......
I am officially in the armpit of the South, northeastern Mississippi. Florida didn't work out near as well as I had hoped, so that was a total waste of money. Now, I'm waiting on a student loan to come through, and hopefully Dallas, TX will work out much better. Not a big fan of TX, but I managed to squeeze onto a Southwest flight, fly to Dallas and check out the flight school. The school is good, and it's about $5K cheaper than the one in FL (there was much rejoicing). The weather in Dallas in the summer shouldn't be much worse than Orlando. I'm used to cutting through the humidified air with a knife to get to my car as well as breaking out into a clothes drenching sweat the minute I leave the apartment.
In the mean time, I'm twiddling my thumbs in bible thumper land. Pity me......
It could be worse,I am not sure how but it could be