Well, that's that. Done with all the flight instructor ratings. I'm now 100% legal to teach people how to fly airplanes. Scary thought, huh? I'll be driving out of this hell on Earth place known as Arlington, TX sometime tomorrow and trekking back to Memphis, TN. For there, I'll hole up and send out resumes to everywhere I can think of until I get a...
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Jesus, I've been busy lately....anyway. It's storming outside, so I can actually update on what the hell's been going on.
So, the FAA guy with the zero precent pass rate and proud of it? He doesn't have anything to be proud of anymore. I flew better than I had before in my entire life, and I could tell he was looking for shit to bust...
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So, the FAA guy with the zero precent pass rate and proud of it? He doesn't have anything to be proud of anymore. I flew better than I had before in my entire life, and I could tell he was looking for shit to bust...
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Well, done some flying to get up to par for the checkride on Tues. I think I'm flying better than I ever have, so I might actually have a shot of shoving one in the FAA inspector's face.
Even better news, I might actually be going back "home" to Orlando in a few weeks! My old flight school there is hiring instructors, and I know...
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Even better news, I might actually be going back "home" to Orlando in a few weeks! My old flight school there is hiring instructors, and I know...
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Well, I've been in Texas for almost two months, and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I've got my checkride for my flight instructor rating with the FAA next week. Cool. The inspector that I got stuck with has a nasty reputation. Shitty. Rumor around the airport is that he has a 0% pass rate, and he likes it that...
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Haha. The only worse than summer is the week between xmas and new years. That's the busiest time of year for us. Stupid tourists everywhere.
GodDAMN, did that suck. I should have been back in Arlington last night, but mother nature gave us the big ole middle finger and placed a nice line of 45,000 foot thunderstorms right between Memphis and Arlington. So, we had to crash at my parents' house for the night. At least we weren't stuck somewhere like Pine Bluff, AR and have to get a hotel...
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For the record, in case anyone was wondering, lesson plans SUCK. I'm working on my flight instructor stuff right now, and about 80% of it is writing out lesson plans to make teaching people how to fly easier. But, DAMN is there a lot of stuff. Took me two hours to write ONE lesson plan on how three instrument systems work. I could stand in...
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Another one bites the dust....
Passed another FAA checkride today. I am now a fully certified commercial pilot in both single and multi-engine aircraft. This one was a LOT easier than my multi-engine checkride last week, but I was probably still just as nervous. It also took about 1/2 the amount of time as the other one. Now I can get paid to tow banners...
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Passed another FAA checkride today. I am now a fully certified commercial pilot in both single and multi-engine aircraft. This one was a LOT easier than my multi-engine checkride last week, but I was probably still just as nervous. It also took about 1/2 the amount of time as the other one. Now I can get paid to tow banners...
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congrats on certification.
Now why would you fuss at Stealth? It's not like any of the aircraft are real at the moment.
Maybe if it was an F-22 or something... hehe.. but (IIRC) an F-22 already carries quite a bit of software to run that hardware smoothly for the pilot. Might as well throw in HAL to send us the rest of the way.
Now why would you fuss at Stealth? It's not like any of the aircraft are real at the moment.
Two lessons in strong winds today. Nothing like flying an airplane at about 2,500 feet, slowing it down and STOPPING in mid-air. I ALMOST got it to fly backwards. I've only managed to do that once in a heavy wind in Florida. Landing was.....interesting. Due to the strong headwind, it took about 2-3 minutes just to get from 1,000 feet to the runway. Good news...
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Well, that boring weekend just got worse. Seems the lovely people I've been freeloading a wireless internet connection off either either forgot to pay their cable bill or decided they don't want highspeed access anymore. I can see their router perfectly fine, but it has no connection to the net, no DNS servers, nada. How do I know this? They still have the configuration password...
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Well, it's official. My weekend is gonna be boring as hell. I'm trying to conserve money to make sure I have enough to get everything done (and it's gonna be TIGHT) so going out isn't much of an option. My friend from MI won't be down here for another two weeks, so I've got the house to myself. If I wasn't going insane from boredom,...
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Okay, so if anyone needs a pilot to fly an airplane with more than one engine, I am now officially your guy. The FAA saw fit in its infinite wisdom to grant me a commercial pilot license for multi-engine aircraft. Yeah, bitch. I'm all legal and shit now. Too bad I only have about 255 hours total, so no insurance company in their right mind...
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yeah, we saw star wars up at city walk. I know roonwit plans on seeing it again at Disney, as do I . I figure if I am going to see it again, I might as well do it on the digital screen. And as for the ewoks, someone brought in the Ewoks movie to work. Everytime I walked through our green room between shows, the stupid ewoks were on the tv, I wanted to through the movie away, ended up locking the cabinet with the tv in it so no one could watch thaat movie (It's good to be the person with the keys)
Ah ha! Due to a technicallity I wound up with an A in Airline Management anyway. I wondered how 15+15+25+30=100
I've actually been flying a LOT lately. Not as many pop-up thunderstorms in TX as there are in FL, and I actually got to fly through clouds instead of around them yesterday. Flying out tonight from Arlington to scenic Texarkana tonight to get the rest...
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I've actually been flying a LOT lately. Not as many pop-up thunderstorms in TX as there are in FL, and I actually got to fly through clouds instead of around them yesterday. Flying out tonight from Arlington to scenic Texarkana tonight to get the rest...
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somehow my grades were miraculously good too. go us.
too bad you cant come see me at my killer new job
too bad you cant come see me at my killer new job