Another quarter down. Well, I have a photo critique Wednesday at noon, but I don't count that as a final, really.
So, yeah. This quarter flew by, and I feel like I say that at the end of every quarter, but really. I feel like it's all been pretty ridiculous. In a year and a quarter, I will be all gradumacated. And that is extremely frightening.
Related to growing up and entering the real world, I am going on a mini-trip to Chicago with Joel next week, and hopefully I will be able to meet a few of the photographers with whom I've been corresponding regarding internships and the like. Here's one and here's one and here's one. And here's my portfolio website that I have been refining in bits and pieces all quarter, along with my resume, which is also located on the site. My project for the first few days of spring break is to experiment with these things to get them in peak form.
And while I'm on the topic of photo.
In the end, my still life photography class wasn't too shabby. I wish I would've executed a little more creativity with some of the assignments, but overall, I'm just happy to be done with it for this year.
This is my schedule for next quarter... not that any of you really care, but I'll just pretend you all go to my college (and thus care in some minute form).
SOC 414 Collective Social Movements
MUS 224 History of Rock Music II
VICO 324 Portraiture
VICO 469 Soul of Athens website
PHIL 332 Philosophy of Art (on-line)
I am pretty pumped. The Soul of Athens class is interactive multimedia project involving all students and faculty in the School of Visual Communication. It is a pretty prestigious project that has received numerous web awards amongst the likes of the New York Times and such. Check it out.
My roommates both left for spring break today, so I have the apartment to myself for a few days before heading home to visit my family for the weekend. I am celebrating the solitude by sitting on the couch, completely naked, listening to the Rolling Stones (a little uncharacteristic of me, but my History of Rock class has really influenced my tuneage these past few months), and drinking this yummy pomegranate tea over ice. The night is young, my friends.
My chumlette Jessica from high school is visiting me tomorrow/later today with her girlfriend, and we are going to "go out" and "rage" for St. Patrick's Day. I am not a big drinker by any stretch of the imagination, but it feels nice to be able to go out and have fun on the holiday with friends. Plus I have a killer green dress to wear.
Speaking of drinking, here are some entertaining pictures from a wine party I attended on Valentine's Day at my friend Peter's house... one of the odd little highlights of my winter quarter. I have only been legitimately drunk... *counts...* three or four times, I think. This night was definitely one of those times.

Consequently, my hair no longer looks like that. Wouldn'tyaknowit.
I have been uber inspired and positive-minded, for the most part, for the past two weeks thanks to U2 and their new album. Listening to U2 so much lately has allowed me to feel so much more connected. It is some of the most beautiful music in the world... and please disregard the new single as representative of the rest of the new album. There is some beautiful music on the new album that is worth your time and attention. Personally, I've revisited the entire U2 discography several times over in the past 17 days, and it has been so rewarding. I'm constantly reminded why I started listening to this band over 11 years ago.
And, you know, while I'm talking out of my ass here -- fuck everyone who says that U2 has grown stale, has "let us down" with their recent work, or has sold-out by playing with catchier, funkier, and, yes (grits teeth), "commercial" songs as debut singles. Listen, U2 has produced some of the most influential music of the past 30 years. They are one of the last truly phenomenal live bands (you honestly cannot argue otherwise unless you've seen them). They have inspired millions, reinvented their sound while exploring new musical territory many times, and lead extremely successful careers. They don't have anything left to prove. Simply put, they've already done it.
Realize that they are human beings -- they've aged, they've changed, and comparing their new work to albums like the The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby (while simultaneously claiming that anything that they've produced since 1991 has not "lived up to" these albums) is a useless argument. No, they cannot revisit those times in their career, and we shouldn't want them to. Music is all about evolving and the trial and error that coincides. It is also about creative freedom and exploration. You know, the last time I checked, Paul McCartney isn't going to ressurect John Lennon and write another White Album. That doesn't render everything he has done in the past few decades subpar, useless, et cetera, et cetera...
Calm down and stop acting like you're too fucking cool to listen to an alternative rock band that's been around longer than 15 years that ISN'T Radiohead (not that that's a diss, of course I love them as well, but you get my point). And while you're at it, realize that, whether or not you like Bono, I really couldn't care, and neither could he. You need to give the man respect for using the spotlight to advocate change in which he is adamantly active in achieving through his countless efforts. Maybe it's annoying that he's always in the news, but he is using the publicity to DO GOOD. Look up the actual numbers -- money that he has helped raise for various humanitarian campaigns, debt that he has helped eradicate from poverty-stricken nations... Can you really criticize that and wholeheartedly mean it? Seems a little, I don't know, fucking heartless and ignorant to "hate" a man who has, since the 1980s, acted on his compassion. What the fuck are you doing with your time and money?
OK. I really didn't need to go there, but I did, so, sigh, there it is. My love and loyalty are obvious. I'm sure you are mildly to severely annoyed, and that's okay.
Now it's time for bed.
So, yeah. This quarter flew by, and I feel like I say that at the end of every quarter, but really. I feel like it's all been pretty ridiculous. In a year and a quarter, I will be all gradumacated. And that is extremely frightening.
Related to growing up and entering the real world, I am going on a mini-trip to Chicago with Joel next week, and hopefully I will be able to meet a few of the photographers with whom I've been corresponding regarding internships and the like. Here's one and here's one and here's one. And here's my portfolio website that I have been refining in bits and pieces all quarter, along with my resume, which is also located on the site. My project for the first few days of spring break is to experiment with these things to get them in peak form.
And while I'm on the topic of photo.
In the end, my still life photography class wasn't too shabby. I wish I would've executed a little more creativity with some of the assignments, but overall, I'm just happy to be done with it for this year.
This is my schedule for next quarter... not that any of you really care, but I'll just pretend you all go to my college (and thus care in some minute form).
SOC 414 Collective Social Movements
MUS 224 History of Rock Music II
VICO 324 Portraiture
VICO 469 Soul of Athens website
PHIL 332 Philosophy of Art (on-line)
I am pretty pumped. The Soul of Athens class is interactive multimedia project involving all students and faculty in the School of Visual Communication. It is a pretty prestigious project that has received numerous web awards amongst the likes of the New York Times and such. Check it out.
My roommates both left for spring break today, so I have the apartment to myself for a few days before heading home to visit my family for the weekend. I am celebrating the solitude by sitting on the couch, completely naked, listening to the Rolling Stones (a little uncharacteristic of me, but my History of Rock class has really influenced my tuneage these past few months), and drinking this yummy pomegranate tea over ice. The night is young, my friends.
My chumlette Jessica from high school is visiting me tomorrow/later today with her girlfriend, and we are going to "go out" and "rage" for St. Patrick's Day. I am not a big drinker by any stretch of the imagination, but it feels nice to be able to go out and have fun on the holiday with friends. Plus I have a killer green dress to wear.
Speaking of drinking, here are some entertaining pictures from a wine party I attended on Valentine's Day at my friend Peter's house... one of the odd little highlights of my winter quarter. I have only been legitimately drunk... *counts...* three or four times, I think. This night was definitely one of those times.

Consequently, my hair no longer looks like that. Wouldn'tyaknowit.
I have been uber inspired and positive-minded, for the most part, for the past two weeks thanks to U2 and their new album. Listening to U2 so much lately has allowed me to feel so much more connected. It is some of the most beautiful music in the world... and please disregard the new single as representative of the rest of the new album. There is some beautiful music on the new album that is worth your time and attention. Personally, I've revisited the entire U2 discography several times over in the past 17 days, and it has been so rewarding. I'm constantly reminded why I started listening to this band over 11 years ago.
And, you know, while I'm talking out of my ass here -- fuck everyone who says that U2 has grown stale, has "let us down" with their recent work, or has sold-out by playing with catchier, funkier, and, yes (grits teeth), "commercial" songs as debut singles. Listen, U2 has produced some of the most influential music of the past 30 years. They are one of the last truly phenomenal live bands (you honestly cannot argue otherwise unless you've seen them). They have inspired millions, reinvented their sound while exploring new musical territory many times, and lead extremely successful careers. They don't have anything left to prove. Simply put, they've already done it.
Realize that they are human beings -- they've aged, they've changed, and comparing their new work to albums like the The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby (while simultaneously claiming that anything that they've produced since 1991 has not "lived up to" these albums) is a useless argument. No, they cannot revisit those times in their career, and we shouldn't want them to. Music is all about evolving and the trial and error that coincides. It is also about creative freedom and exploration. You know, the last time I checked, Paul McCartney isn't going to ressurect John Lennon and write another White Album. That doesn't render everything he has done in the past few decades subpar, useless, et cetera, et cetera...
Calm down and stop acting like you're too fucking cool to listen to an alternative rock band that's been around longer than 15 years that ISN'T Radiohead (not that that's a diss, of course I love them as well, but you get my point). And while you're at it, realize that, whether or not you like Bono, I really couldn't care, and neither could he. You need to give the man respect for using the spotlight to advocate change in which he is adamantly active in achieving through his countless efforts. Maybe it's annoying that he's always in the news, but he is using the publicity to DO GOOD. Look up the actual numbers -- money that he has helped raise for various humanitarian campaigns, debt that he has helped eradicate from poverty-stricken nations... Can you really criticize that and wholeheartedly mean it? Seems a little, I don't know, fucking heartless and ignorant to "hate" a man who has, since the 1980s, acted on his compassion. What the fuck are you doing with your time and money?
OK. I really didn't need to go there, but I did, so, sigh, there it is. My love and loyalty are obvious. I'm sure you are mildly to severely annoyed, and that's okay.
Now it's time for bed.
and im glad i could entertain you via my blog