Elsie, or Lianne, passed away today. To type this sentence feels so surreal. I am still having a difficult time registering this information. She goes to my college. We had a class together. We have been "Internet friends" for some time, and two weeks ago, I went to her apartment, met her dogs, and took her on a ride to Stroud's Run to shoot her for a location fashion assignment for class.
She was beautiful and graceful, and I was only just becoming her friend.
I left her a comment of support on her last journal entry here, encouraging her to stay strong. And just six days ago, she responded to my comment with gratitude.
That was my last contact with her.
I am honored and privileged that I had the opportunity to know her in person, though briefly... My heart is heavy looking through all of the photos from our shoot.
I have no words.
And I, like everyone else, and especially those who feel the pain of her absence the most, don't have any answers for why these things happen. But I don't think answers are really all that important. In the end, she is gone... and I am so very sorry.

She was beautiful and graceful, and I was only just becoming her friend.
I left her a comment of support on her last journal entry here, encouraging her to stay strong. And just six days ago, she responded to my comment with gratitude.
That was my last contact with her.
I am honored and privileged that I had the opportunity to know her in person, though briefly... My heart is heavy looking through all of the photos from our shoot.
I have no words.
And I, like everyone else, and especially those who feel the pain of her absence the most, don't have any answers for why these things happen. But I don't think answers are really all that important. In the end, she is gone... and I am so very sorry.


sorry to hear about the loss 

Wow, she was only 22. Life is so short.