So McCain got New Hampshire. I am not pleased. He appears to be one sly mother fucker. Sure he's "sweet." Sure he's old. Sure he smiles a lot and has a soft, soothing voice. Sure he goes on MTV and tries to be Cool McCoolers. Sure he says he's a moderate. Behind closed doors he votes straight ticket republican and kisses Dubya's ass with fruit baskets and summer sausages and Twinkies... and money. Actually it's probably just money. But the other things made the claim more colorful and entertaining. I am angry with this election thus far. I don't really like any of the democrats either. I've been a wholly self-aware liberal since 7th grade when Gore won. Err. Anyway. I'm dissatisfied with my choices. I'll probably just do a write-in on election day.
Winter quarter has arrived. I am in it. Living it. Doing my thing. I am taking another philosophy class (ethics to be specific), drawing, and sociology ("Contemporary Social Problems") as well as an on-line class focusing on the history of photography. I am very content with this schedule. I am muy excited about the drawing class, and everything else is pie, i.e. low on the stress-out meter; needless to say, it is going to be a refreshing change of pace from the previously chaotic quarters I've experienced as a college student.
The weather has been freakishly warm here as it has been in many areas of Ohio recently. Much to my dismay. I am concerned about the Earth and therefore do not appreciate or enjoy the 65 degree weather. I am patiently waiting for cyclops fish and green clouds and, oh yeah, snow. Snow as in next week. Fucked up.
My holidaaaaaze were cheery as always. My favorite gifts were as follows: a pink Nintendo DS Lite from Dan, a white tea kettle for my apartment kitchen from Shannon and her male fellow, colorful boy short undies from my parents, and my crab, as mentioned in a former blog posting. I also received clothes and movies and other such things. My stocking had a very amusing novelty item in it: a mini (extremely mini) roll of Bounty paper towels. It made me laugh and I show it to people upon meeting them for the first time. I decided that I'm not going to use it unless absolutely necessary.
The Sundance recently underwent some surgery. The timing belt broke, I guess. I don't know cars, but that's what the fixey-up-car-guy said on the phone. He died one day whilst pulling into the Baker's parking lot, and I had to have him towed via AAA. It was a sad sight to see. But. Sunny is better now and back in action. He was fixed the day before I had to drive myself and my seven weeks worth of clothing and other necessities back to Athens. Yay for that.
One of my new favorite bands is Kings of Leon. Just thought I'd mention that.
And to close, everyone should check out my newly-revitalized photography at Flickr. Here are some choice edits:

P.S. This thing cuts the right side of the photo off. Sorry about that. Just go to my Flickr if you insist upon seeing them in their full glory.
Winter quarter has arrived. I am in it. Living it. Doing my thing. I am taking another philosophy class (ethics to be specific), drawing, and sociology ("Contemporary Social Problems") as well as an on-line class focusing on the history of photography. I am very content with this schedule. I am muy excited about the drawing class, and everything else is pie, i.e. low on the stress-out meter; needless to say, it is going to be a refreshing change of pace from the previously chaotic quarters I've experienced as a college student.
The weather has been freakishly warm here as it has been in many areas of Ohio recently. Much to my dismay. I am concerned about the Earth and therefore do not appreciate or enjoy the 65 degree weather. I am patiently waiting for cyclops fish and green clouds and, oh yeah, snow. Snow as in next week. Fucked up.
My holidaaaaaze were cheery as always. My favorite gifts were as follows: a pink Nintendo DS Lite from Dan, a white tea kettle for my apartment kitchen from Shannon and her male fellow, colorful boy short undies from my parents, and my crab, as mentioned in a former blog posting. I also received clothes and movies and other such things. My stocking had a very amusing novelty item in it: a mini (extremely mini) roll of Bounty paper towels. It made me laugh and I show it to people upon meeting them for the first time. I decided that I'm not going to use it unless absolutely necessary.
The Sundance recently underwent some surgery. The timing belt broke, I guess. I don't know cars, but that's what the fixey-up-car-guy said on the phone. He died one day whilst pulling into the Baker's parking lot, and I had to have him towed via AAA. It was a sad sight to see. But. Sunny is better now and back in action. He was fixed the day before I had to drive myself and my seven weeks worth of clothing and other necessities back to Athens. Yay for that.
One of my new favorite bands is Kings of Leon. Just thought I'd mention that.
And to close, everyone should check out my newly-revitalized photography at Flickr. Here are some choice edits:

P.S. This thing cuts the right side of the photo off. Sorry about that. Just go to my Flickr if you insist upon seeing them in their full glory.
I had a minor in Sociology. It's interesting stuff.
Kings of Leon - saw them at Coachella last summer, kind of cool, bought their album, wasn't that impressed.
I'm not sure if you've heard of Immaculate Machine, but I would recommend taking a listen to their covers. I think they might suit your refined taste in music.