Oh me, oh my. What little I have updated regarding college and the like. I will refrain from ranting. I will avoid a hugely descriptive narrative. It is past my bedtime, and I have miles to go before I sleep. I will simply say that things are fine.
Classes are what they will be -- tedious, time-consuming, and triumphant at times, but more so disappointing. My Social and Political Philosophy class is frustrating and deep deep. My History through Film class is all about Britain during the 15th and 16th centuries... (not the topic for which I was hoping). Digital Imaging is delightful because the instructor is a splendid old fellow who delights in randomly showing the class pictures of animals that have visited his house. He refers to these animals as "critters of the day." He tickles my giddy bone. Anthropology ain't no thang.
So, there's a summary of my classes/my feelings about my classes. Shall we move on?
Jill and I live in a sweet room with tons of color and light and musical splendor. It always smells great in here, and I keep 'er mighty tidy. Overall, I enjoy living in Bryan Hall, what with its magenta-purple bathroom, elevator, in-house laundry facility, and 24-hour quiet policy (a.k.a. "ultimate nerd accommodation" policy), but next year it will probably be apartment life for me. It's a cheaper and awesomer alternative to living in the dorms, and it's a necessary step towards further independence and ultimate adulthood, at least that's the way I look at it.
I feel better about myself as a person because I've been pretty on task with school work thus far. Additionally, my hair looks ten times better than it did because I got it cut. Sorry, I just can't do the long hair thing again. Once you go short, you never go... back. (Sorry that there's no synonym to "back" that rhymes with "short.") But most importantly, this past weekend, I drove from Athens to Columbus and back to visit Dan. I've never driven from one big place to another before, and I've always feared the freeway. But, I've overcome my fear somewhat, and I am more confident a driver because of it. The drive was very successful, free of error and car dilemma. I am quite pleased. It's nifty having a car on campus.
I've been listening to Interpol for the past month or so. Dan likes them now too, and that's pretty great for me; however, I still maintain that the lead singer is considerably attractive. I have few defenses in this matter since Tom failed to back me up. I think Dan is just jealous.
Classes are what they will be -- tedious, time-consuming, and triumphant at times, but more so disappointing. My Social and Political Philosophy class is frustrating and deep deep. My History through Film class is all about Britain during the 15th and 16th centuries... (not the topic for which I was hoping). Digital Imaging is delightful because the instructor is a splendid old fellow who delights in randomly showing the class pictures of animals that have visited his house. He refers to these animals as "critters of the day." He tickles my giddy bone. Anthropology ain't no thang.
So, there's a summary of my classes/my feelings about my classes. Shall we move on?
Jill and I live in a sweet room with tons of color and light and musical splendor. It always smells great in here, and I keep 'er mighty tidy. Overall, I enjoy living in Bryan Hall, what with its magenta-purple bathroom, elevator, in-house laundry facility, and 24-hour quiet policy (a.k.a. "ultimate nerd accommodation" policy), but next year it will probably be apartment life for me. It's a cheaper and awesomer alternative to living in the dorms, and it's a necessary step towards further independence and ultimate adulthood, at least that's the way I look at it.
I feel better about myself as a person because I've been pretty on task with school work thus far. Additionally, my hair looks ten times better than it did because I got it cut. Sorry, I just can't do the long hair thing again. Once you go short, you never go... back. (Sorry that there's no synonym to "back" that rhymes with "short.") But most importantly, this past weekend, I drove from Athens to Columbus and back to visit Dan. I've never driven from one big place to another before, and I've always feared the freeway. But, I've overcome my fear somewhat, and I am more confident a driver because of it. The drive was very successful, free of error and car dilemma. I am quite pleased. It's nifty having a car on campus.
I've been listening to Interpol for the past month or so. Dan likes them now too, and that's pretty great for me; however, I still maintain that the lead singer is considerably attractive. I have few defenses in this matter since Tom failed to back me up. I think Dan is just jealous.
ive also got my car on campus, which has also proven to be valuable. useful for trips to walmart, white castle and the like. ive slowly learned the roads around school [the local roads and how to get to the major highways], and there are a lot of shopping centers and restaurants nearby. it's also helpful when going out with SGNJ, much better than having to rely on others for rides.
i recently got some interpol and really like listening to it, though unfortunately my music listening time has been rather short as of late.
you live in a really neat dorm. 24 hour quiet hours really are amazing, since the dorms on the other rutgers campuses near me can get pretty loud...