Updates from the grave.
My Easter was nice/crazy. Thursday night I made the weekly voyage from Athens to Columbus with Dan and Damein, and upon returning to their ghetto abode, we all watched The Cable Guy. I forgot how funny that movie actually is, but I guess you don't really appreciate dark humor at age nine. While I'm on the topic of movies, on Friday, I endured the three-hour experience of GRINDHOUSE (I prefer to type it in all caps). It was simply amazing. I am seeing it again this Friday with one Jillian M. Mapes. See it. Simply put, it delivers.
Dan and I headed from Columbus to Bucyrus later that day, and in Bucyrus, we proceeded to purchase candy, eat the said candy, and sleep for an extended period of time. On Saturday Dan and I set out to visit his family since they were all gathered in Crestline to celebrate his grandparents' 50th anniversary. Five minutes into our journey on the highway, his car stopped for no apparent reason. Mr. Honda was towed and we were transported to the family gathering an hour late courtesy of his dad and his dad's friend's van. We visited with a few Langes and then met up with Dan's friend, Emo Corey, and embarked on a journey in Corey's boat-car to Cleveland to see The Early November in concert. The weather in Cleveland was crazily blizzard-like with seven to eight inches of snow on the ground, but we arrived there safely. After eating at the House of Blues restaurant (where I had an odd meal of rosemary cornbread with maple butter and black pepper linguini with portabella mushrooms and goat cheese), we watched two opening bands, one being the incredibly shitty "The Rocket Summer/Band That Is Played as Background Music on a Disney Channel Original Movie," and of course, The Early November. They were really good. We saw them because it is their last tour, and Dan is a pretty big fan. So. That was that. The first half of the trip home was scary yet enjoyable. The combination of ice and snow produced many accidents on the road, and we ended up driving 25 MPH for an ungodly amount of time. We said our prayers and arrived home safely at 2AM.
Three hours later, Dan and I awoke and got ready for church service with the familia. Church service began at 6:15AM. I know. Crazy. After breakfast and significant napping, Shannon and Dan played with the newest addition to my family, Daisy the Bunny.
So, that was Easter. I ate a lot of candy as well. Candy is good, incase you haven't heard.
B. Spring quarter is going well. My classes are nice. Just nice. I don't enjoy Health 202, though. It's pretty lame. Former nursing home employee Nazis run that class. It's a lot of busy work. I have an awesome design class, though. I also am taking another political science class, this time with a better teacher who used to work for Al Gore. And I'm taking an advertising class, and my teacher is an awkward Chinese man with high-water pants and a PhD. But he's funny, and like Elvis Costello, his aim is true.
C. My hair is getting longer. I can put it in a small ponytail now. I think I'm going to let it grow. Time to try something new.
D. I've been working out lately. As in exercising. At least twice a week I go to the rec center with Drew or Steph or both. I favor the elliptical trainer. I decided during spring break that I should start 1) utilizing some of the free services my vast university offers, like the rec center, and 2) taking better care of my body. So far, so good.
E. I like looking forward to things. This weekend is going to be fun. As mentioned, I am seeing GRINDHOUSE again, and I'm also going out to eat, thrift shopping, and dancing with friends. At the end of this month, I am going on a weekend-long sight-seeing trip in Washington D.C. with Jill. In May, I am going to an Indians baseball game and a Bright Eyes concert, both with Dan and Joel. In June, if all goes as planned, I'll be attending my third Black Rebel Motorcycle Club concert, and of course, I'll be Bonnaroo-ing later in the month. June also marks the end of my freshman year at Ohio University, and I am looking forward to the summer.
My Easter was nice/crazy. Thursday night I made the weekly voyage from Athens to Columbus with Dan and Damein, and upon returning to their ghetto abode, we all watched The Cable Guy. I forgot how funny that movie actually is, but I guess you don't really appreciate dark humor at age nine. While I'm on the topic of movies, on Friday, I endured the three-hour experience of GRINDHOUSE (I prefer to type it in all caps). It was simply amazing. I am seeing it again this Friday with one Jillian M. Mapes. See it. Simply put, it delivers.
Dan and I headed from Columbus to Bucyrus later that day, and in Bucyrus, we proceeded to purchase candy, eat the said candy, and sleep for an extended period of time. On Saturday Dan and I set out to visit his family since they were all gathered in Crestline to celebrate his grandparents' 50th anniversary. Five minutes into our journey on the highway, his car stopped for no apparent reason. Mr. Honda was towed and we were transported to the family gathering an hour late courtesy of his dad and his dad's friend's van. We visited with a few Langes and then met up with Dan's friend, Emo Corey, and embarked on a journey in Corey's boat-car to Cleveland to see The Early November in concert. The weather in Cleveland was crazily blizzard-like with seven to eight inches of snow on the ground, but we arrived there safely. After eating at the House of Blues restaurant (where I had an odd meal of rosemary cornbread with maple butter and black pepper linguini with portabella mushrooms and goat cheese), we watched two opening bands, one being the incredibly shitty "The Rocket Summer/Band That Is Played as Background Music on a Disney Channel Original Movie," and of course, The Early November. They were really good. We saw them because it is their last tour, and Dan is a pretty big fan. So. That was that. The first half of the trip home was scary yet enjoyable. The combination of ice and snow produced many accidents on the road, and we ended up driving 25 MPH for an ungodly amount of time. We said our prayers and arrived home safely at 2AM.
Three hours later, Dan and I awoke and got ready for church service with the familia. Church service began at 6:15AM. I know. Crazy. After breakfast and significant napping, Shannon and Dan played with the newest addition to my family, Daisy the Bunny.
So, that was Easter. I ate a lot of candy as well. Candy is good, incase you haven't heard.
B. Spring quarter is going well. My classes are nice. Just nice. I don't enjoy Health 202, though. It's pretty lame. Former nursing home employee Nazis run that class. It's a lot of busy work. I have an awesome design class, though. I also am taking another political science class, this time with a better teacher who used to work for Al Gore. And I'm taking an advertising class, and my teacher is an awkward Chinese man with high-water pants and a PhD. But he's funny, and like Elvis Costello, his aim is true.
C. My hair is getting longer. I can put it in a small ponytail now. I think I'm going to let it grow. Time to try something new.
D. I've been working out lately. As in exercising. At least twice a week I go to the rec center with Drew or Steph or both. I favor the elliptical trainer. I decided during spring break that I should start 1) utilizing some of the free services my vast university offers, like the rec center, and 2) taking better care of my body. So far, so good.
E. I like looking forward to things. This weekend is going to be fun. As mentioned, I am seeing GRINDHOUSE again, and I'm also going out to eat, thrift shopping, and dancing with friends. At the end of this month, I am going on a weekend-long sight-seeing trip in Washington D.C. with Jill. In May, I am going to an Indians baseball game and a Bright Eyes concert, both with Dan and Joel. In June, if all goes as planned, I'll be attending my third Black Rebel Motorcycle Club concert, and of course, I'll be Bonnaroo-ing later in the month. June also marks the end of my freshman year at Ohio University, and I am looking forward to the summer.
good to hear that you had a nice easter, despite some of the unexpected happening.
if nurses are teaching the health class that could explain quite a lot. not that ive got anything against nurses, but something ive noticed in my pharmacy classes is that the nurses and pharmacists really dont get along too well. long history to that, but some of the nurses just want things done their way or the highway...