jeebus. what a weekend. period. anyway so my dad up and decided to give me $300. holy crap. its intense. nobody ever up and gives me money. especially family. whoa. but its been decided... thursday is tattoo day. werd. thanks for all the birthday wishes and shtuff. other than the car accident my bday was rad. keep it real or i'll demolish you.
Car accident?Did it involve the heathen devil drink?Mine always did.Prolly how I survived them all.Got pics up. wink
so i spoke with jhon yesteryear- he paid me back fully now, and he claims that he's not with his girl anymore. lies. whatev. i finally saw spongebob too, werd. congrats to jordon on his new job by the way. something amuses me about the following equation: jordon + gap sporting children. holler. edd called me afterwards. we shot pool and i ended up fucking...
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Happy B-day!, 19, it feels like yesterday you were 18.
happy birthday!

you may not know this already but if you're on my friends list, you're calling me on sunday and singing to me whatever song i choose. here's the list:
Tori: ACDC- song of your choosing
neverforever: Le Tigre- I'm so excited
the_mars_volta: get my number from tori or im me and sing something from queen or the mars volta. i'm thinking who wants to live...
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It is a pretty bad ass tape!I cant figure out how to post it on here though.So if ya figure out a way for me to get it to ya Ill send ya a copy. wink
And what a good looking wifey she is. wink
fuck weekends. especially this weekend. it was one disappointment after another- weekend in baltimore, sg shit yay! wrong. tori and i are poor and couldnt make it. oh well- party with tony le tigre after work, possible alcohol and topless girls- wrong. i was sick. and he stayed til 3am. oy. sunday- spongebob with jordon? nope. he had family shit and couldnt visit. sunday night- pixies show? i'm hopeful! i'm hopeful! oh wait no i work. fuck! i ended up seeing j'hon though. and i don't know what's up with that. he leaves me the most bitter voicemails ever and then when i see him he acts like we've never stopped talking to each other. for christs sake, two weeks ago he said he hated me and now he wants to fuck me again. rar! well, he did grow his hair back, so i don't really see a problem with using him as a total fuckbag for now. he deserves it. besides he told me he got me a christmas gift. and he paid me all but $20 back. i just won't give him money or believe anything he ever says anymore. ha. fuck weekends. hard.
Yeah, right on. My Aim thing is Professavichb. feel free to IM me, I'm always on.