So, I just got in from the Hospital Lab/Doctors; I love small towns because they can always some how fit you in.
Here I was thinking my lower abdominal pain was possibly a UTI because if you press my belly button and lower pelvic area it hurt. I woke up at 3am last night with intense pain and the feeling like i was going to vomit. I stood up and felt huge pressure in my pelvic area and wanted to cry. So I sat in the bathroom feeling like I was going to puke; and not wanting to move back to my room in case I did. It was cool because outside in the backyard you could hear our local owl hooting away for almost an hour. They have such cool noises.
Anyhow. I fell back asleep and woke up for work at 6:30 am..and realized there was no way I could walk without waddling let alone work. So I called in.
Called the doctors at 9am. They said they could take me at 10:30... got there; they made me pee in a bottle (i hate doing it). And lucky me, no UTI. So they got me in a gown and I waited. Doctor comes, has me lay down and starts to press on my tummy. Near the end she was like "Tell me if it hurts more to push down or when i release" so she reaches just around my belly button area and presses down slowly and harder as she goes. I almost smacked her; it hurt SOOO MUCH.
So apparently I may have a bad stomach virus; or possibly appendicitis (the start of it). I am on a strict liquid diet until Monday to see if it alleviates anything. I had urgent blood work done for a white blood cell count and will hear back soon if anything serious shows in the results. If the pains get worse, I start to get a fever or vomit, etc. I'm supposed to go to the ER immediately.
EDIT: the symptoms pretty much explain what i'm feeling right now.
SO yay... fun
Hopefully I can do my shift tomorrow night.
Here I was thinking my lower abdominal pain was possibly a UTI because if you press my belly button and lower pelvic area it hurt. I woke up at 3am last night with intense pain and the feeling like i was going to vomit. I stood up and felt huge pressure in my pelvic area and wanted to cry. So I sat in the bathroom feeling like I was going to puke; and not wanting to move back to my room in case I did. It was cool because outside in the backyard you could hear our local owl hooting away for almost an hour. They have such cool noises.
Anyhow. I fell back asleep and woke up for work at 6:30 am..and realized there was no way I could walk without waddling let alone work. So I called in.
Called the doctors at 9am. They said they could take me at 10:30... got there; they made me pee in a bottle (i hate doing it). And lucky me, no UTI. So they got me in a gown and I waited. Doctor comes, has me lay down and starts to press on my tummy. Near the end she was like "Tell me if it hurts more to push down or when i release" so she reaches just around my belly button area and presses down slowly and harder as she goes. I almost smacked her; it hurt SOOO MUCH.
So apparently I may have a bad stomach virus; or possibly appendicitis (the start of it). I am on a strict liquid diet until Monday to see if it alleviates anything. I had urgent blood work done for a white blood cell count and will hear back soon if anything serious shows in the results. If the pains get worse, I start to get a fever or vomit, etc. I'm supposed to go to the ER immediately.
EDIT: the symptoms pretty much explain what i'm feeling right now.
SO yay... fun

Hopefully I can do my shift tomorrow night.
Get better no matter what it is.