I am currently addicted to startbucks' Strawberry Blended Lemonade... and NOW i am in love with their Blueberries and Creme Frap. Thank you SixBoxes and BrightRedScream
I think my AC is dying. And the weather here lately is not good to have it die on us *sigh*. Not good at all. Undies and tank top here I am!!! OI!!

I think my AC is dying. And the weather here lately is not good to have it die on us *sigh*. Not good at all. Undies and tank top here I am!!! OI!!
My AC (in the house) works fine, but it's been so hot lately that I set it at 68, but it creeps up close to 75 at the hottest part of the day anyway. It's been in the upper 90s around here lately

See what happens when you brag about having A/C to the guy who has none?
Now see how you like having to get naked to cool off.