Not much new going on; just a whole bunch of work..and no play.
Today would have been my Papa's 71st birthday
I misses him.
I haven't had him visit me in dreams in almost a year... he did last night though, and a few nights before that (i think). We talked about Coral, I was somehow reassured that Coral is doing fine, it made me feel better. He tried telling me about a ring.. but I didn't understand... maybe one day it'll catch on.
Two more days; and then I have a couple days off; yay me. Just have to figure out exactly what I'm going to do on those days off yet. *shrug*
Everyone have an awesome Monday!
Thanks to those who made such sweet comments about my new pics
Made me smile... 

Today would have been my Papa's 71st birthday

I haven't had him visit me in dreams in almost a year... he did last night though, and a few nights before that (i think). We talked about Coral, I was somehow reassured that Coral is doing fine, it made me feel better. He tried telling me about a ring.. but I didn't understand... maybe one day it'll catch on.
Two more days; and then I have a couple days off; yay me. Just have to figure out exactly what I'm going to do on those days off yet. *shrug*
Everyone have an awesome Monday!
Thanks to those who made such sweet comments about my new pics

I'm a fall and spring girl...
Although fall makes me sad too because it means that winter is coming
Me and summer are not friends.
The only holiday I pretty much like is Halloween.
Music makes me happy instantly as well for the most part