Today has been a 50/50 day. Let's explain:
Driving to work, going about 100km/h... murder of crows on the side of the road; they take off but one flies in front of me..would have made it if the bird did not decide to turn around in the air and fly back to the side of the road it left. WHACK, "CAW" and bump. I go "NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! " and pull to the side of the road. Call my mother freaking out, "MUM I JUST HIT A FUCKING CROW: OF ALL BIRDS TO HIT". Get out of car; walk to bird... completely dead. The other crows are sitting up in a tree across the road and are literally YELLING at me, yell at them that i'm sorry. I have a few tears and walk back to my car. Decided I should maybe check the front of my car... my front grill of my car is caved in and nearly hit my rad... *phew* no rad damage, lifted the hood checked, got grease all over me, but i was pissed my grill was caved in. Realized quickly, hey it's plastic and pulled it back out. Practically jump up and down in joy while on the cell phone with Mum. Notice it's a bit loose; but totally not damaged. Drove to work.
Had a postage thingy saying I had a package at the post office so we did a mail run and found out that my gifts from a certain SG member (if he wants he can identify himself) whom decided to SPOIL me to death had come. I was really happy about that.
Took clients to see Harry Potter. Bought a client a small bag of popcorn, and one for myself. An alright movie; was certainly not the best one though....
Other staff bought herself popcorn. Half way through the movie; felt my shirt and leg wet. Touched my shirt and discovered I was covered in butter. At the end of the movie when lights came back on; discovered other staff and client were covered in butter as well. Butter stains clothes. And I had decided to wear my favourite shirt to work today. GO FUCKING FIGURE.
We go to the manager and let her know their popcorn bags are defaulty and there was way too much butter in the popcorn as in the bottom of my bag, popcorn is literally SOGGY. She apologizes up and down about this happening (of course I'm covered the worst, pants, underwear, shirt..) And gives us 3 free passes and 3 free popcorn coupons. Discussed theories of how to wash clothes to get the butter out.
Am trying multliple theories as we speak, including dish soap (because it's a de-greaser) and baking soda.
Got back to work after dropping clients off; and pay cheque statements arrived (we don't get paid until thursday though), 1, 200 take home. hell yea; i is happy.
Got along great with new staff; we are both Scorpios, discovered yesterday we both like the same music, love being inked, etc..and find it sooo easy to talk about things. She gave me a card for her brother's tattoo studio he owns
So yea.... it's been a day of ups and downs for sure.
Driving to work, going about 100km/h... murder of crows on the side of the road; they take off but one flies in front of me..would have made it if the bird did not decide to turn around in the air and fly back to the side of the road it left. WHACK, "CAW" and bump. I go "NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! " and pull to the side of the road. Call my mother freaking out, "MUM I JUST HIT A FUCKING CROW: OF ALL BIRDS TO HIT". Get out of car; walk to bird... completely dead. The other crows are sitting up in a tree across the road and are literally YELLING at me, yell at them that i'm sorry. I have a few tears and walk back to my car. Decided I should maybe check the front of my car... my front grill of my car is caved in and nearly hit my rad... *phew* no rad damage, lifted the hood checked, got grease all over me, but i was pissed my grill was caved in. Realized quickly, hey it's plastic and pulled it back out. Practically jump up and down in joy while on the cell phone with Mum. Notice it's a bit loose; but totally not damaged. Drove to work.
Had a postage thingy saying I had a package at the post office so we did a mail run and found out that my gifts from a certain SG member (if he wants he can identify himself) whom decided to SPOIL me to death had come. I was really happy about that.
Took clients to see Harry Potter. Bought a client a small bag of popcorn, and one for myself. An alright movie; was certainly not the best one though....
Other staff bought herself popcorn. Half way through the movie; felt my shirt and leg wet. Touched my shirt and discovered I was covered in butter. At the end of the movie when lights came back on; discovered other staff and client were covered in butter as well. Butter stains clothes. And I had decided to wear my favourite shirt to work today. GO FUCKING FIGURE.
We go to the manager and let her know their popcorn bags are defaulty and there was way too much butter in the popcorn as in the bottom of my bag, popcorn is literally SOGGY. She apologizes up and down about this happening (of course I'm covered the worst, pants, underwear, shirt..) And gives us 3 free passes and 3 free popcorn coupons. Discussed theories of how to wash clothes to get the butter out.
Am trying multliple theories as we speak, including dish soap (because it's a de-greaser) and baking soda.
Got back to work after dropping clients off; and pay cheque statements arrived (we don't get paid until thursday though), 1, 200 take home. hell yea; i is happy.
Got along great with new staff; we are both Scorpios, discovered yesterday we both like the same music, love being inked, etc..and find it sooo easy to talk about things. She gave me a card for her brother's tattoo studio he owns

So yea.... it's been a day of ups and downs for sure.
yea I would say you had a day of ups and downs for sure.. you know as a memorial to the unfortunate crow that hit your car you could like get a tat of a crow covered in popcorn butter how cool would that be OK I know I am sick but the tattoo would still be cool
hope you have a better more consistent up day today

Awww poor keke. I hate days like that. I think I'd prefer a day of straight downs to a rollercoaster ride like that one. Let me know when you think you'll be in chat, I miss talking to you