Helloooooooooooooooo people
So; yesterday was A LOT of fun with my girl BrightRedScream and her Hubby
We hung out with their dog Angus (who is very adorable). And went around town, lovin' the Starbucks cool drinks (IT WAS BLOODY HOT AND HUMID) and visiting the mall, etc. 'Twas very fun; and I'm thinking I need to get off my ass more and drive there to see her; I forget how easy of a drive it is.
So I got home shortly before midnight; then eventually went to bed, because I worked this morning. I work Sat and Sun too, but the afternoon shift, so I get to sleep in, yay!!
The union posted the strike vote count; and it's 81% in favour of a strike; SO I guess it's happening if it doesn't get negotiated in the near future. I was debating going to the SG gala if we do strike during that week(end).
Dad got his call back to work today; GOOD NEWS: it's a full time position, BAD NEWS it's in Dryden, which is over two days of driving away; good thing we DID by the coach; as he'll be living in it until he gets transferred closer. It's going to be VERY weird with just Mum and I here; as Dad will only come home for a few days a month.
So yea; I leave you with a couple pics of us from yesterday

So; yesterday was A LOT of fun with my girl BrightRedScream and her Hubby

We hung out with their dog Angus (who is very adorable). And went around town, lovin' the Starbucks cool drinks (IT WAS BLOODY HOT AND HUMID) and visiting the mall, etc. 'Twas very fun; and I'm thinking I need to get off my ass more and drive there to see her; I forget how easy of a drive it is.
So I got home shortly before midnight; then eventually went to bed, because I worked this morning. I work Sat and Sun too, but the afternoon shift, so I get to sleep in, yay!!
The union posted the strike vote count; and it's 81% in favour of a strike; SO I guess it's happening if it doesn't get negotiated in the near future. I was debating going to the SG gala if we do strike during that week(end).
Dad got his call back to work today; GOOD NEWS: it's a full time position, BAD NEWS it's in Dryden, which is over two days of driving away; good thing we DID by the coach; as he'll be living in it until he gets transferred closer. It's going to be VERY weird with just Mum and I here; as Dad will only come home for a few days a month.
So yea; I leave you with a couple pics of us from yesterday

Strikes aren't fun...but if it means you get to come to Gala, then I'm all for it.
Are you happy that they may strike?
What is a coach?
You girls are so cute.