ANYWHO; I'm excited because there's birdies outside; I can't see if they are tree swallows or purple martins; cuz they pretty much look the same; but they are scouting out our house. I LOVE the sounds they make

Also; I decided to leave you with two sexy pics I took a few weeks ago:
Hot fucking DAMN! Sorry; it makes me hot....hahaha
Anywho; I plan on relaxing in the sun today; and MAYBE if i get hot enough; I'll jump into my pool. It's still in starting up mode; and we use solar panels as heating... i'm hoping it's at least in the low 70's by now....
Also may head into town for a bit if PetValu calls... I ordered a massive run for Magnum so he could enjoy outside.
Tomorrow is my work's strike meeting and vote; but I have tentative plans with my girl BrightRedScream so I guess I'll miss it.... it'll probably be brutal anyways....
Okay.. I SO need to get dressed; I haven't even had breakfast and it's almost noon.... Take Care!