alright; so another work time is done; now i can relax for a few days
creepy dude texted my cell saturday morning at 7 something am. (although i think it may have been sent the night before) i emailed him to tell him to quit sending me texts and stuff; hopefully he's caught on as I did not receive any far
my brother swung by the house last evening to fix his car (rad hose blew) and had commented on how he saw the creepy dude hitting on me all over facebook; and how he was doing to yell at the guy to back off: his words were practically "stop hitting on my sister you piece of trailer park shit". so i apparently have plans tuesday night as my brother announced i am to come see spiderman 3.. so... cool.
work was very LOUD this weekend. he's yelling, screaming, etc a lot again now due to the removal of a medication. get a headache every shift....yesterday was alright; i took two clients for a walk around the community; all was well until one peed himself and announced it in front of the neighbours and got mad at me because we didn't make it back to the house in time (but he was more mad at himself).
yesterday was a busy afternoon; got home from work and had a quick nap as i was exhausted; then got up; saw my parents off to their reunion; walked my dogs down the trail; socialized with my brother; sister-in-law and his two friends; drove to my mom's clients house to take care of their dog. their dog rocks; it's a short haired border collie named Hannah; and i played ball with her until she was too tired and needed to stop; like 100 kicks was fun because my dogs don't do that; they look at me like "you expect me to go get that ball? no way". Then I drove home; had a wild turkey saunter in front of me on the road; got home and fed my dogs; made myself dinner; watched a bit of tv then walked the dogs again before they went to bed; then came on here for a couple minutes; but SG was down; so I just went to bed.
Early in the morning around 3-4am I woke up having to go pee; I moved my right leg and the calf muscle locked and went into a spasm; I hadn't had one in months; and this one was PAINFUL. I cried and swore "fuck fuck OWWW" and rubbed it hoping to get the spasm to stop. Of course, I still had to pee, so when the spasm subsided I got out of bed and went to put my right foot on the floor; and couldn't. My leg wouldn't bend. I tried again; touching the sole of my foot to the rug; and got major pain shooting up my leg; so I hopped on my left foot to the bathroom. Since then it's been a bit better; but it's still sore. Doing stairs at work during the morning routine was painful. I just got out of the hot tub; and it's helped relax the muscle a bit. And yea; it's the leg I dislocated 2 years ago.... which always acts up when I use it a lot (walking, driving, etc)
So yea. Magnum is a bad bunny; because he peed in his bed last night; a result of me not letting him out to run around when HE wanted.
Other than that; *shrug* Tomorrow is supposed to be nice; I plan to lay out in the sun and bake; I don't tan but do get freckles.. so yea. And I may clean my car as well and take it for it's body work quote.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

creepy dude texted my cell saturday morning at 7 something am. (although i think it may have been sent the night before) i emailed him to tell him to quit sending me texts and stuff; hopefully he's caught on as I did not receive any far

my brother swung by the house last evening to fix his car (rad hose blew) and had commented on how he saw the creepy dude hitting on me all over facebook; and how he was doing to yell at the guy to back off: his words were practically "stop hitting on my sister you piece of trailer park shit". so i apparently have plans tuesday night as my brother announced i am to come see spiderman 3.. so... cool.
work was very LOUD this weekend. he's yelling, screaming, etc a lot again now due to the removal of a medication. get a headache every shift....yesterday was alright; i took two clients for a walk around the community; all was well until one peed himself and announced it in front of the neighbours and got mad at me because we didn't make it back to the house in time (but he was more mad at himself).
yesterday was a busy afternoon; got home from work and had a quick nap as i was exhausted; then got up; saw my parents off to their reunion; walked my dogs down the trail; socialized with my brother; sister-in-law and his two friends; drove to my mom's clients house to take care of their dog. their dog rocks; it's a short haired border collie named Hannah; and i played ball with her until she was too tired and needed to stop; like 100 kicks was fun because my dogs don't do that; they look at me like "you expect me to go get that ball? no way". Then I drove home; had a wild turkey saunter in front of me on the road; got home and fed my dogs; made myself dinner; watched a bit of tv then walked the dogs again before they went to bed; then came on here for a couple minutes; but SG was down; so I just went to bed.
Early in the morning around 3-4am I woke up having to go pee; I moved my right leg and the calf muscle locked and went into a spasm; I hadn't had one in months; and this one was PAINFUL. I cried and swore "fuck fuck OWWW" and rubbed it hoping to get the spasm to stop. Of course, I still had to pee, so when the spasm subsided I got out of bed and went to put my right foot on the floor; and couldn't. My leg wouldn't bend. I tried again; touching the sole of my foot to the rug; and got major pain shooting up my leg; so I hopped on my left foot to the bathroom. Since then it's been a bit better; but it's still sore. Doing stairs at work during the morning routine was painful. I just got out of the hot tub; and it's helped relax the muscle a bit. And yea; it's the leg I dislocated 2 years ago.... which always acts up when I use it a lot (walking, driving, etc)
So yea. Magnum is a bad bunny; because he peed in his bed last night; a result of me not letting him out to run around when HE wanted.
Other than that; *shrug* Tomorrow is supposed to be nice; I plan to lay out in the sun and bake; I don't tan but do get freckles.. so yea. And I may clean my car as well and take it for it's body work quote.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

Hope that you're feeling better.
Well that is cool of your brother, I hope you have a good time.
Wow it sounds like you had a tuff day at work, you are so much better then me.
You should of took photos of that dog. Are you saying your dogs are lazy LOL?
Damn you sure did get a lot done that day.
I've had a couple of those, I don't think they have been as bad as that but they sure did hurt. How did you dislocate your leg?
But he is a cute bunny so he is still a good bunny.