Thursday will be a mental health day away from work - get my oil changed, go to Trader Joe's etc. How do you spend your days off? shocked
Is it always going to be this hot in L.A.? I miss the good coffee I had in Portland! love
Something ate my password...all better now. blackeyed
Solstice wishes, everyone! eeek eeek
Still in L.A., but I arrive in PDX on Saturday - where to go? I heard the girls who work at Powell's are fairly 'hot'. miao!!
Keizo is about ready for his vacation - going for some hot fun in the summertime in PDX. Stumptown, here I come. ARRR!!!
Oh, that's right - I don't make "Updates" anymore, it's a blog now. Guess I should change my bookmarks.

It's been hot in L.A. lately...time for a vacation in a cooler place...PDX?

What are you listening to? tongue
So, updates are now blogs, eh? Dang, guess I have to pay attention now. Who wrote this: "keizo is a captivating, intoxicating individual. Around keizo, birds suddenly appear, and choruses of angels sing hymns to keizo's bonny face. Sadly, unless keizo tells you more about keizo, this is all you'll ever know about keizo." Well, I didn't write it! Kind of amusing, though.

Oh, look...
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