I'm going to start this update with a very long question. Have you ever seen that one person that just makes your heart break? I mean so badly that every step you take with them feels like you're walking on broken fragments of glass? Hearing them speak to you makes you want to go deaf? Looking into their eyes makes you want to go blind? This is what my life has been like lately. If some of you are wondering, this is an expanded explanation of what happened to me last week. (Worst day ever, remember?) Ok, here's what happened. I was hanging with my ex at Bickford's (a local coffee type shop that's open 24-7) and we're hanging with a bunch of other people, and she's all over this other guy in front of me. Now, lemme ask you, how would this make you feel? Me, I wanted to drag him out into the parking lot and share my feelings on the subject with him via making him bleed....a LOT.
Normally, I'm a very tense guy, but seeing this spun me into a dimension of pissed off that has never been seen by human eyes. Now, things had been kinda weird between us for a few weeks prior to this incident, and I was gonna finally break down and tell her that I still have feelings for her (yes, I fucking admit it, ok?). So a few days later, she apologized to me for it and told me she tried to get him to knock it off cause she knows that shit ain't cool to do in front of an ex, especially one who's still a good friend, and he was being a total dick abouot it. So now, they're seeing each other, I'm fucking dying inside, and probably going to kick the shit outta him if he says anything to me about it.
On a lighter note, Stigmata4you, Thefreezeout and myself are all going to MSI tonight. Should be great fun for all. If you're living in the Boston area, come on down to the Avalon tonight and join us for a drink!.

On a lighter note, Stigmata4you, Thefreezeout and myself are all going to MSI tonight. Should be great fun for all. If you're living in the Boston area, come on down to the Avalon tonight and join us for a drink!.

I have been told by friends not to ever contact my ex again. I still have shit of mine over at his place and want it back.
I am told to just buy new stuff. he he
Good luck not kicking that guys ass. No need to go to jail.
If I lived out there, I'd go have many drink swith you.