My what an interesting night at work I had last night. Only had to work 6 hours cause we had plenty of help and the truck was small (yay) so I got to spend most of my night barking and making gobbling noises at the other clerks rather than doing any actual work. Now I'm home, waiting for it to turn 8 o'clock so I can go get paid and do a lot of nothing on my day off.
More Blogs
Tuesday Mar 29, 2005
Somebody stop the room, I wanna get off now. Rum and root beer is gre… -
Saturday Mar 12, 2005
Ok, I've been pondering this recently, and I thinkI've finally got it… -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Well, after a little over a month, I'm single again. But ya know, I'm… -
Wednesday Mar 02, 2005
Well, the public has spoken, and I shall therefore, keep the name. Go… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
I've been thinking with the death of dear Hunter S. Thompson that I s… -
Friday Feb 11, 2005
Well, I'm finally all moved and I'm pretty happy down here. I'm on a … -
Sunday Jan 30, 2005
I think I got an apartment! It's nice and roomy and the rent is down … -
Saturday Jan 22, 2005
The shit is going to hit the fan anyday now. Brace yourselves, there'… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2005
What a week. What a great fuckin' week. -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
Ok, halfway to moving outta here. I'm mostly packed. Except for tv, c…
Although, my old job back home wasn't too bad. I actually got high on the clock. Top that!
Have a good thanksgiving!