Ok, to start off, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
You all really made my day, cause it otherwise sucked. I went out and hung aroudn with a few friends and saw RE2. There. That was my entire birthday. No drinking, presents, cake, not even a "Happy Birthday" from anyone that matters. Bah. The rest of the week was good. I didn't do a damned thing the entire week. It was fantastic. I laid around and watched movies for nearly nine days straight.
So that's pretty much it. If anything exciting or even remotely interesting comes up, I'll post it ASAP.

Yeah, the thunder in Jedi did seem a bit odd.... But, I loved them putting Anakin from Episode III with obi and Yoda as spirits, at the end of Jedi.... Sooo cool. Great link between the old and new trilogies. Plus it got that old crusty Anakin out of my sights!!!