My very good friend, stigmata4you are now in the market for floozies.
I wa swatching Futurama the other day, and Bender inspired me to go out and gets me some floozies, and Stigmata4you decided he wants in on the floozy action. Mostly, I think we want them so people can go up to us and say "Oh are they friends of yours?" and we can hold our heads up high and say "No, THESE are our floozies" followed by the usual round of giggling from our floozies.
Further, yesterday I was told I need to get my own radio show
It seems that insanity comes so naturally to me that I should be rivals with Howard Stern. Yeah, I think it's fucking ludicrous, too. Well, seems the weather's going to be shit this weekend, so I's gonna be staying in and watching movies until I fall asleep and wake up to go to work. What are you guys gonna do on this fine 2 day rest?

floozies sound right
Im reallllll good at giggling... especially when i have no idea what going on.
and i love your puppies